Chapter Fifteen

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After the run in with Donald Tibbs, I returned to Tre's with so much on my mind. No matter how much I wanted to blame all my headaches on William, I really couldn't. If I hadn't been so naïve into thinking that my husband wouldn't do anything to hurt me, and only had eyes for me, then I wouldn't have been blindsided.

Let's be frank, if my daddy, the only person I ever deemed as a saint was a bona fide sinner, why couldn't my husband? Looks like I just picked a current replica of my dear old dad. Still a part of me wanted to keep my view of my daddy, I couldn't just blame him for being no good. Without having him here to explain himself, all I can do is accept what I heard and take it at face value.

The fact that Tre knew all along that William was a nasty, cheating bastard is where I am summoning my anger from right now. How dare he not warn me? Especially after, I had poured my heart out to him, explaining how I felt he was cheating. If anything, Tre tried to talk me out of those theories and made me believe it was all in my head.

Walking into his apartment, I noticed how quiet it was meaning either he was sleeping or in the bathroom. Then the conversation from earlier in the afternoon from his little girlfriend came rushing back. What if he had company and they could be busy? The thought alone made me a little ruffled even though I had no right to be. Opening his bedroom door, I was once again shut up from the sight.

Tre was laid out on his back with his arms raised over his head. Dang the man even slept sexy. His chest and abs were in full view; his lower region was covered in the white sheet. The contrast of his dark skin against the crisp white sheets was enough to make me drool a little bit. Here I was ready for world war fifteen and to tell him off, but the viewing of his body has cut off all argument.

"Why are you lurking like a stalker?" He spoke startling me out of my fantasy.

"Huh," I was still stunned into silence.

"What's up Meg? Where have you been?"

"I went to the house to get some things."

"..." The seething look he gave me was almost scary. Sadly, my insides churned towards the nether region at the same time. Therefore, I was both fearful of the stern look but also turned on, how is that even possible.

"As you can see I am in one piece but my mind sadly is on another level."

"Meaning," he groaned.

"William wasn't there but Tibbs was. After I assumed William was with Zennia, he assumed that you told me about them." Tre closed his eyes and took a deep breath before pinning me with a stare that made the wind that I tried to invoke into my sail, puff out. "Did you know that William was having an affair with your cousin?"

"I suspected," he simply stated. No explanation, just two words and that was it.

"You claim you love me and we are friends but you didn't think that was something I needed to know. Wow," I looked out of the window to keep my tears from being seen. That revelation hurt me more than anything did.

"For one thing, I figured it out after finding out about Granny so I didn't see the need in making things any tenser than it was. Excuse me for being just a little bit selfish around that time. Instead of bringing my suspicions to you, I confronted Zennia and she flipped the table on me. She had figured out that I had feelings for you. That along with hearing a private conversation between Granny and me, she decided she would play devil's advocate."

"One thing she pointed out made perfect sense, if I told you everything that I figured out, that would only make me look like I was trying to break up your marriage. I may be in love with my friend but I'm not a fucking home wrecker."

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