Chapter Two

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Warning this is the unedited version


Church Affairs

An endless hamster wheel, is what I am feeling like today. My funky mood could be stemming from the endless bought of PMS I am suffering from. Then again it very well could be that my husband of seven years didn't arrive home until the wee-hours of the morning a few days ago. The night I returned home from the Winters, I tried to stay up and wait for William to return home.

However, he didn't make it while my eyes were still open. The chirp from the alarm sounded at exactly two in the morning. Well past the hour for ministry in my opinion. Sadly, I couldn't muster up enough energy to even pick an argument. Neither did the great pastor offer an excuse for his reckless behavior. Actually he walked around pretending nothing was amiss in the Foster household.

The only thing he did make a point to do was move to the guest bedroom at the start of my menstrual. I could never understand the foolery behind that. He always stated his father did it for his mother when she was suffering and his grandfather before that as well. Something that he was taught as a youth to not be near his wife while her cycle was in place.

According to him it is a cardinal rule and would be considered a sin to do so. When in fact the old testament states that you should not uncover a woman while she is in the regular flow of blood. Mainly because of the impurities of the cycle, which makes a lot of sense being that a period is the nastiest thing ever. Who the heck would want to have intercourse during that time?

Mentally the thought alone would cause me to seriously be ill. As heavy as my flow can be would be utterly embarrassing to consider undressing for anyone. When it's time for a shower, I wait until the very last minute to discard my clothing. Thankfully my inner muscles are on point to hold certain things off until over the toilet. The way he acts I should be in a harem of sorts where he sends his wife off to a tent in the desert until the time passes.

Unfortunately being on my cycle doesn't stop the constant meetings I must attend. Finally he hired a day to day secretary because I'd grown tired of that position after about six months. Even though I was able to see so much more of him at that time; still that was not a job I cherished. My hobby turned profit was a better fit for me. I get to create beautiful pieces of art for others to admire. Anniversaries, birthdays, special holiday's, and even in remembrance of the dearly departed were just a few reasons customers frequented the shop.

'Madamoiselle's Floral Shop,' is my baby of sorts. The only thing born from and ordained by the father. The Lord blessed me with a green thumb and the ability to design wonderful flower arrangements. Plus the calming effect it has doesn't hurt either. The solitude I feel when I don't want to be bothered by anyone else is phenomenal. Just me and the peace of being blessed brings me.

In my studio in the back of the shop is where I go to disappear from the hustle and bustle of everyday life. It is where I go when the problems of the world seem to bring me down. The workers out front know when to leave me be because somehow I am never disturbed. This day was no different as I have been working to complete an order for an upcoming wedding.

For lunch, I had to drop what I was doing to run to the church for noon day prayer meeting. For a Wednesday afternoon, quite a few people were in attendance. Prayer is always needed so I couldn't complain too much. Especially the way my mind has been traveling a mile a minute on all different paths. Home sick was another frustration I am dealing with isn't helping much either.

Raised up from the age of ten years old in Galveston Texas, I have never strayed too far from my family besides a trip here and there. When I went to a small community college with half of my graduating class, I was still within ten minutes within my family home. The home I was raised in. The home I had the birds and bees talk with my parents in the front room.

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