Chapter Five

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It's been a long time since I posted. Life...


Family Emergency

"How did it go?"

"Girl," I groaned into the receiver. Just thinking about everything that happened a few nights ago made goose bumps pop up all over my body.

"That good huh," Vette giggled evilily.

"I gave him the full monty."

"Well alright then. Did he suspect anything?"

"He does seem a little suspicious about that night but he hasn't said anything. The connection between us seems to have strengthened though. It almost feels like we are getting back on the same page. No arguments, sharing space when we sleep, and I can't complain one bit."

"That's good, I'm happy for you. Maybe one day I will get locked down."

"It will happen when it's time."

"Don't get me wrong, I'm not rushing it."

"Why not Sophia?"

"Cause Miss Celie, I don't want to ruin my relationship with my business schedule."

"Well Miss Sophia, you could always cut back when the time is right."

"Why thank you Miss Celie for the advice, I think I will do just that." We fell out laughing at our foolery. If either one of us is ever in a funk, best believe we won't be by the time we got off the phone. "No seriously, when the right one comes along, I'm sure cutting back won't be a problem. That's one of the reasons I am working so hard now. Building my interest up so when it's time to take it easy and get to know someone, I won't have work in the back of my mind."

"I feel you."

"The big trip is coming up, you ready?"

"Heck no, still not feeling this."

"I can imagine how awkward this is going to be."

"I guess I will just have to suck it up and deal with it."

"Yes first lady, that is exactly what you will have to do."

"Ugh, girl did you ever think I would end up in the position?"

"As I always say when you ask that question, that would be a negative good buddy. Not that you can't be first lady material, I just never expected you to be placed in that position."

"Sometimes it is so awkward the way people hold these titles at such a high regard. It's like if I burp inappropriately, I would be considered an omen."

"Better not let them hear you fart then," Vette joked.

"I'm serious Vette. Some of these folks treat the pastor and his wife like they are the President and first lady." I said seriously while trimming the rough patches on a few plants inside the greenhouse. "I feel like I am under a constant microscope. Everything I do is scrutinized."

"Well that's the name of the game honey. Just continue to ignore it. Maybe they will get tired of looking at you through the little machine."

"So did you say that with a straight face?"

"Nope," Vette snickered.

"Heffa," I mocked.

"I'll be that. Anyway huzzy, I have to prepare for a meeting."

"Alright sissy, I love and miss you bunches."

"Love and miss you too sissy. Bye."


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