Chapter Thirteen

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Who can I run to...

No exaggerations, 'Who can I run to' had always been one of my favorite XSCAPE songs back in the day. In fact, my good friends and I song this in our junior high talents show. We came in second place too, which makes us close to being celebrities back in our day. Now I was living proof of the lyrics when I felt there was nowhere to turn. The one person who only wanted to love me but I turned my back on him. Choosing my toxic marriage over him but I was left with no other choice. Vows over friendship, or at least that's the ways of the bible.


"I apologize, I didn't mean to interrupt."

"You came here for a reason and I'm sure you would have gone somewhere else if you could have."

"..." I don't know why hearing those words caused more tears to appear. Before I could stop myself, I was sobbing and sliding to the floor.

"Shit, Megan I'm sorry. That was a careless thing to say." Tre was holding me as if I was fragile and I couldn't help but relish in his embrace. No matter our previous disagreement or rather my hesitance in being his friend, he was still my leaning tower. "Shh, tell me what happened?"

"It's so...everything is so messed up." I cried.

"Is everything alright?" Just like that, I remembered we weren't alone. "Should I call someone?"

"Nah, it's cool. Hold on," Tre said in a low tone or maybe my ears were clogged. "I got you Meg," he stated before lifting me bridal style as if I weighed nothing.

"No Tre," I tried but he just shushed me, tightened his hold, and kept moving.

"Shh, baby it's alright." And just like that I felt it really was going to be alright. "I will be right back, okay?"

"..." I just allowed my mind to drift off to no man's land barely hearing anything from the other room besides hushed voices. The biggest cock-blocker came to mind thinking of how I just busted up his groove with my messiness. This couldn't get any worst, could it?


Tre's POV...

When I opened the door and saw Megan standing there looking like a lost puppy, I didn't know what to think at first. When asked who it was and didn't hear anything, I was a bit hesitant to answer until I saw her obscured image. Although I knew I wasn't expecting company, I didn't expect it to be Megan of all people though. When Valerie spoke out, I had almost told her to shut up before she ran Megan away.

Honestly, I didn't much care why she was there, I was happy to see her. It hadn't been that long but when you are used to seeing or speaking to someone you love on a regular basis, the thirst is real. When she went to walk away spouting some incoherent stuff about cock-blocking is when the bruise on her face became clear. That is when I realized her voice was a bit hoarse.

"Tre, what the hell?" Val questioned hot on my tail when I walked into the kitchen. She had been bird-dogging me since I went to answer the door.

"What's up Val?"

"What's up Val, the pastor's wife shows up on your doorstep and you drop everything to tend to her. What is going on between you two?"

"Nothing," I continued getting an icepack and putting some water on for tea.

"Nothing, this doesn't look like nothing. You catering to her, carrying her, and calling her baby," she whisper shouted. I had to stop and look at the chick I had been entertaining as of late, I could tell she was truly being worked up.

"You need to calm down Lil'mama, why are you getting all worked up?"

"The dude I call myself seeing is dropping everything to tend to another female that's why," she was turning red in the face.

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