Chapter Three

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WARNING: This is the unedited version. If you see something point it out...



Duty Calls...

The rest of the week rather blew by in a blur. Through my heart felt prayers and gut wrenching sobs on Wednesday night, I was feeling a bit better. Mainly I believe because I chose to ignore the sting from William's words. Like a bee sting, if I did not pay constant attention to it, the hurt will go away. Life must go on no matter what.

William has still been walking around on eggshells though. My cycle was now gone and it was time to prepare for this dinner with the bishop and his wife. The best part of the conversation the other night is that he has been home every night at what I saw as a reasonable hour. No matter how much I tried to express to him there was no resentment for the words he spoke, he did not seem moved.

Honestly, I could be trying to convince myself more than him. The truth of the matter was that the words he spoke really hurt my feelings. Hoping that it was only the hormones and terrible mood swings that come with PMS, I cried as if someone stole my bike. The thought did cross my mind that I may never be a mother if he continues to view me as immature.

"Are you about ready honey?"

"Yes, just refreshing my makeup." I had gone to the MAC counter to have my makeup done by a professional at William's request. For this meeting was beyond imperative to him that we look our best to impress the Bishop and his wife.

"You look gorgeous."

"Thank you."

"I thought maybe you wanted to pick the place for our vacation. Would you like that?" Normally he always made those type of decisions.

"How about we get a beach house in Galveston? We could visit with my family while we're there but get to enjoy the beach as well." Just the idea coming out of my mouth brought all types of excitement to my spirit.

"Sure," William's tone of voice was a clear indication that was not what he expected her to say. "Sounds like fun."

"It was just a suggestion, forget I brought it up." I dismissed not feeling up to another disagreement. The way my mood could switch, there would not be any entertaining going on tonight.

"We can discuss it more later tonight."

"Sure," giving him the same enthusiasm he had given me earlier. Although two wrongs don't make a right, pettiness just seems to come automatically at times. "I am ready to go if you are."

"Your chariot awaits," William smiled his signature smile that normally sent butterflies to my stomach but tonight it did nothing. As handsome as he was, no tingles went down my arm as he guided me to his big boy Mercedes. 'Going with the flow,' I need a vacation and I plan on having it back home. Sadly, it just may be with or without my husband.


"Your home is lovely Lady Louise."

"Thank you Lady Megan. And might I add, you look lovely tonight, my dear," Lady Louise complimented me.

"Thank you Lady Louise. You look beautiful as usual."

"Thank you. How are things going over at G.F.U?"

"Wonderful, everyone has warmed up to the newbie. At least I think they have."

"That's good. You know I was once in your shoes. It's certain things you have to get used to in order to deal." She said. "I started a women's ministry at our church in order to get closer with some of the ones that weren't as friendly."

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