"Reading.. Maybe sports? She looked at me. I'm not sure about sports actually.." She smiled.

It got quiet.

"What I'm saying is to just follow your dreams, I know, I know I'm sounding like an old lady but we really aren't that far away."

She paused

"I don't know", she scratched her neck.

"I get what you're saying", I replied in a nice tone knowing she thought I didn't get her point.

"Don't worry about me, I have some things in mind." I continued, lying.

She smiled once more and turned up the radio.

How can someone who knows so little about me already be worried about my future life?

I pondered the question.

We pulled into to the shared parking lot for Applebee's and a cafe. Charlie hummed and tapped her fingers on the steering wheel while we turned. She then turned and pulled out the key and we exited and then entered the two front doors. In the booth in the back of the restaurant people chattered and laughed as it was rush hour. "What do you plan on getting?" Charlie said looking at her menu.

I held in my sigh as I've been asked this question many times before and each time I still hate to answer the damned question. "Lunch number six", I replied. "Looks good."

She told me what she planned to order then I leaned back. It was the time for "small talk."

A small frame of time where i'll be bombarded with questions that I, myself have no answer to. I prepared myself, feeling neutral.

"Do you know what career field you want to try for?"

I blinked and stared in her eyes, searching for an answer. "Medical", I replied as it was my first thought. "Oo.. interesting, I used to be interested in that kind of thing.

"How boring.." I thought. She continued talking.

Though today was different. .

I wasn't mad or upset, just more.. Thoughtful.

"Doctors and nurses make a lot of..." I zoned out thinking about Lenny.

He's not mad anymore. The thought brought a smile to my face. I actually found myself fighting a smile.

I saw that Charlie stopped talking and was staring at me blankly. I tilted my head, "Sorry what did you say?"

Before she could reply I heard a woman exclaim "Charlie!" and not a moment later she stood up and walked across the area to hug an unknown girl. They stood there and talked while I was zoned out. "Hey Dei, come meet my old friend." I heard.

I stood up and walked toward them, not really wanting to meet someone new. "Nice to meet you I'm" Yatah, yatah, yatah. I didn't really listen until she asked for my name again. Then I replied "Dei." and she just smiled and stood there talking to Charlie. "You have to see the new car I got two months ago." Charlie squealed. "New car? I wanna see this. Dei we'll be back."

They both walked toward the exit while I just stood there.

"Um Sir?" I turned around to see a waiter. "If you're not using your booth then we'd like to use it for other customers."

"That'll be fine." I said without thinking

He then walked away. Hold up.. 

We lost our seats.

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