When Death Brings Sadness (Part 7)

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Four Years Later. 

You were sat on the rug on your living room floor, looking through faded photographs of you and your spouse. You smiled sadly at your beaming faces, saddened by the thought that you would never see them again, as the had died only months before.

It had been a gradual decline and certainly taxing at times but now that they were gone, you missed them greatly. Oh how you wished that they were still alive. 

Sitting there on the floor, you came across a letter, folded around a picture of you and your spouse on your honeymoon. It was addressed to them. You recognised the handwriting. 

Opening the envelope, you pulled out a small covering note. It read: 

Dear (your spouse), 

Firstly, I just want to thank you for taking after (y/n) when I failed to. You are so good to them and for that, I am in debt to you. 

I'm glad that they are thriving with you and are happy. Is their smile still like the brightest of stars and the warmest of sun rays? I pray that they haven't lost that spark. Please don't let that die. I nearly did and I will never forgive myself if my carelessness caused that world to be devoid of such merriment.

Secondly, I am so sorry to read in your previous letter that you are terminally unwell. You cannot imagine what you both are going through emotionally and physically. If there is anything I can do for you, please do not hesitate to ask, my friend. 

(Your spouse), I know in your last letter, you asked for me to write a letter to (y/n) to explain what truly happened between them and I in our brief time together, to explain in detail why our dynamic changed so drastically. Under other circumstances I would normally have denied such a request but as you so pointedly wrote in your note, in so many months, (y/n) will be alone and neither of us want them to be alone in this world. 

Perhaps it is time that they discover why my own behaviour changed for the worst.  

Therefore when the time is right, please give this letter to (y/n). I hope that after they know the truth, they don't hate me.

Stay positive, my friend. My prayers are with you. 

Steve Trevor


Your eyes scanned the letter.

You were going to be sick. It was too much for your brain to process. The memories came flooding back, bringing with it a overpowering wave of nausea.

It was all too real. You couldn't believe this was happening.

Running to the bathroom, you soon found yourself emptying your bile into the toilet bowl. Lifting your head once you were done, you unsteadily stood up to wash your mouth in the basin. 

You didn't know quite what to do next. Your heart screamed for you to go and find your letter but your head...

Your head was a mixing bowl of emotions. 

What were you going to do? 


A/N: Part Eight...Part Eight...Part Eight...

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