The Morning After Your First Time

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A/N: Lemon.


You smiled as you awoke from your broken sleep. Although you were still tired, you found yourself feeling incredibly comfy in the king-size bed, with it's plump pillows and soft sheets. Heaven.

You stretched your arms and expected to find Steve beside her. He wasn't. You frowned and sat up, his side of the bed was empty. Where could he be?

Then the bathroom door opened and emerged from the steamy depths, humming an unknown tune, came an Adonis. Your Steve.

You quickly feigned sleep, keeping one eye open to watch him walk towards the wardrobe door. He opened it quietly, glancing over his shoulder to check that he had not woken you. You quickly closed your eyes, making sure to look peaceful. Steve chuckled to himself (eheheh) and continued to look for the clothes he wanted.

You re-opened your eyes and smiled slyly to yourself. Boy, did he look good in nothing but a towel. His skin still glistened with water droplets. When the chinks of sunlight that shone through the gaps in the curtains hit his bare skin, he sparkled. But he was truly something to gaze at. You memorised the curve of his shoulders, the dip of his spine and the smoothness of his skin. And he was all yours! You thought cheekily. All yours.

Slipping silently out of the bed, you strode over to the handsome male. Without him noticing that you were awake, you suddenly wrapped your arms around his firm torso, kissing his bare shoulder. You had to stand on tiptoes as your lips travelled to his jawline. You could feel him grin as he picked out a white cotton shirt. "Why, good morning to you too."

You breathed in his intoxicating scent, his skin still slightly warm from the shower. "Mornin'." you giggled.

He slowly turned around, your arms still around his middle. Mmm, you liked him in this light too. His defined body was absolutely perfect.

"How are you this morning, doll?"

Mmm, you just loved the way that he called you that.

Damn, you really needed to break away from these distracting thoughts. "I'm good, you?" you grinned, staring up at his elegant face.

He gently cupped your face in his hands. "Fine." he grinned back. "especially since you're here."

You grinned mischievously. "Hmm, well I might not be for long."

He raised his eyebrows in mock surprise. "Oh?"

"Yeeeaaah, I mean, a gorgeous soldier might come along and try to sweep me off my feet. It might be rude if I decline their offer."

"Well, maybe I'll just have to steal you back."

"I don't know, I don't see you as much of a smuggler."

His eyes twinkled with playfulness. "i think I could be quite a good smuggler."

Suddenly his lips were upon yours as he stole a kiss. Hmm, maybe he had some potential?

When he pulled away, he laughed at your shocked expression. You were just too adorable. "Ok," you cleared your throat. "smuggler it is!"

He planted another kiss on your lips. "You're such a dope."

"I'm your dope."

"That you are, doll."

He chuckled, pulling away from you fully. "I'm just gonna get dressed."


He walked towards the bathroom."Okay..."


He disappeared into the other room. "'Okay...'" he called over his shoulder.


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