When He Bonds With His Stepdaughter

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A/N: Something a little different for you all today! A modern AU and an OC. Exciting times!


Isla was not very happy. Not happy at all. In fact, she was very unhappy. She loved you- her parent- but when you had suggested that she and Steve should have some bonding time together, it was fair to say that she wasn't very impressed. 

Neither was Steve. Without you there, it was sure to be an awkward few hours. The blond didn't know what to talk to a seventeen year old about and Isla didn't know what to talk to an international spy about. Too awkward.

Despite their protests, there they were, sitting side by side on a leather sofa, staring at the switched off TV. Neither knew how to begin the conversation. Isla was allowed to act like an awkward teenager but Steve had no excuse.

Think, Steve, think! Dammit man, you're a spy, pretend you're undercover! Pretend that this is an assignment, where you have to become acquainted with the youngest member of the family.

The shy brunette pushed a short stray lock away from her face, trying to fabricate a question to ask her (insert parental title)'s boyfriend but all she could think about was asking him about what it was like being a spy.

Suddenly Steve broke the silence. Uh oh. Careful, Steve, don't say anything awkward. "Sooo, you're (y/n)'s daughter?" too late, he did.

She nodded, wondering where the conversation was going. It DOA'd.

More awkward silence.

Then Isla attempted to speak. Surely, she could to better? "You kniw my (parental title) calls you the Blond James Bond?"

Maybe not.

Miraculously, he laughed. "Aha, yeah, I know"

Ok, so the conversation was picking up. "That's probably the worst nickname I have ever heard." Isla giggled.

"Why, what others are there?"

She paused, thinking. "Flower Crown Princess."

"How is that not worse?"

"Aww, come on, you in a flower crown is funny."

"For you, maybe."

Isla was on a roll now, once she started talking, she didn't stop. It was one of the side effects of being shy. "Hey, do you want to play twenty questions? That way, if (y/n) tries to quiz us about anything, we can at least show that we attempted to bond?"

The male frowned."I thought we were bonding?"

"We've not bonded until you know my favourite fandom. Ok, do you want to start?"

He smiled. "Sure. Ummm, Whats your biggest fear?"

"Losing someone I love when I could have saved them." that was intriguing. "My turn. What's the best pick up line you've ever used?"

"Ah, now, that would be the one I used on your (parental title). 'I left my jacket here earlier and I was wondering if you'd seen it?'"

The teen wrinkled her nose in confusion. "Seriously, that worked?"

He laughed again. "It certainly did." he grinned at Isla as she rolled her eyes. "What's your favourite song?"

"Avril Lavigne, Hello Kitty. Yours?"

"James Blunt, 1973. Favourite colour?"

"Dark blue. What's your favourite movie?"

"I don't have one, you?"

"Star Trek: Into Darkness."

He nodded, knowingly. "Cumberbitch?"

"Yeah, although, I  prefer the term 'Cumber Collective Cadet."

"That's a mouthful."

"It's nice." she smiled sweetly at him. "Your go."

"Alright. Favourite actor?"

Isla narrowed her eyes this time. "Do I have to say?"

Steve rolled his eyes, mirroring her reaction. "Yes!"

"Okay, it's Robert Patterson."

His jaw dropped.

"Oh my life, you're not seriously believing that, are you? Yikes, I'm a better actor than you. Are you sure you're a spy? No, it's Leonardo Dicaprio. Patterson is...ok, I have nothing against him." Isla shuffled in her seat, sitting cross-legged on the sofa. "Favourite book?"

"A Tale of Two Cities. Do you have one? Wait, let me guess, Twilight?"

Isla feigned mock shock. "How did you know? Twilight is ok, it's not a bad book but my favourite has to be...The White Queen."


The questions continued. Becoming sillier and sillier as the duo continued. Soon, they were laughing so much that tear were running down their cheeks. Things soon calmed down when Isla sobered up and said. "I just want to say thank you."

 "What for?"

"Being so good with my (patrental title). You know,  I'm really happy that you two are getting married, despite all that's happened. You're good for each other."

This was a new side to the teen.

The sound of a car pulling into the drive brought Isla back to the current conversation. "That'll be (partental title), I better go and let them in." she rose to get up, walking away from the stunned male.

"Hey, wait!"

She paused, turning to face him.

"What's your favourite fandom?"

"Rise of the Guardians." then she walked off.

And that was how they two awkward humans bonded.

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