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Getting back to that creek provided me with a kind of reassurance that I couldn't explain.

There were times when I sat on this log of solitude, my chest heaving as the tears stain my face and I cry for help. This was one of those times, my dream-self desperately trying to catch her breath as her heart had an animalistic reaction, pounding against her chest.

I had run my hand through my hair, pressing my hands tightly together as I began to pray.

I prayed harder than I ever had that night. I prayed to my greater being that was above me, begging for forgiveness and mercy as I fought for air. Tears were steadily streaming down my cheeks, my lips quivering as I whispered my prayers.

My plea carried across the creek, my body trembling uncontrollably as I clamped my eyes shut. I prayed for protection, fearing that the intrusive thoughts were approaching. They were coming close, my body being pressed with a burdensome force. I prayed for safety and clarity, feeling myself drifting dangerously from my faith.

I cautiously opened my eyes, my vision blurred as I looked through a morphed curtain of tears and confusion. I blinked rapidly, my hands gently pulling apart. I shakily sighed, wiping my cheeks with my cool and clammy palms.

Where was my Savior?

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