chapter 23

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Chp 23

*6 months later*

6 months passed from the amputation of Mike's leg and we learned to live with it, he didn't take it that bad and sometimes he can walk with just crutches but when he is too tired he use the wheelchair. We still live with Sam and Liz, oh I didn't tell you the news!

2 months ago Mike proposed to Liz and she said YES! They are getting married next month.

4 months ago, just 2 months after his amputation, Mike lost his speech, he says very few words but he proposed to Liz with a banner and it was so romantic!

Me and Sam are still together...we had some fights here and there but we passed them and we are still going strong, we are not engaged yet but we are thinking about it!

Oh, I guess you are wondering about Jade! Me and Rachel became friends after a long fight and she wanted Jade's custody, she promised she would take care of her and give her the best she can! Finally Mr and Ms.Hall understood us and they agreed to let Rachel take her instead of them! They live in a flat next to Sam's house, so still near us.

Many things changed and we had to live differently where ever we go but things got better by time!

Nick is in a relationship with...Ava! Yes Ava, that girl that talked to me when I was crying, he saw her sleeping on a bench and got her home and they started dating after a little.

Everything is going great...from time to time we still go to the hospital for check-ups and other things, the hospital staff are like family to us now!

Mike has changed a lot, his character is stronger now, we are all learning sign language because he signs only, we don't need to sign because he can hear us but just to make him feel home, we sign!

His cancer is still in his body and the doctors think that it will never be removed but he's good for now.

*The day of the wedding*

Today is a very special day, for both Liz and Mike, Mike can't talk so when it comes to the decision the interpreter talks.

I'm helping Liz get ready, right now I'm curling her hair.

"I'm so excited! I waited for this day since forever!" said Liz all smiley.

"Yeah, Mike is excited too about this! Last night he kept signing random things, just because he was happy!" Liz just smiled again.

"Jess, is he gonna be in the wheelchair or with the crutches?" oh I'm not gonna tell her!

"Nuh uh... that's a surprise!" her smile turned into a frown.

"Jess do you really think that today I'm up for surprises, come on tell me!"

"Wait and see!" I told her and smiled knowing that she won't believe it when she sees it! After about 3 hours it was time!

Sam was walking her down the aisle, because her father was not present that day. She had a wonderful white wedding dress and her copper hair really stood out!

When she entered in the church, she saw Mike standing up...without crutches, she had a surprised face and turned to Sam and he just grinned, she smiled widely, she was now thousand times happier!

Sam shook hands with Mike and gave him Liz's hand they faced the priest and the ceremony started, then the moment we all were waiting for arrived, decision time! The priest said

"Do you Liz take Mike to be your husband..." and he said a ton of other words and Liz said

"I do" then he turned on Mike

"Do you Mike take Liz to be your wife..." and again he said what he said to Liz.

We all looked at the interpreter to talk but we were surprised by what happened next,

"I do!" that came from Mike's mouth!  Then the priest said

"I now pronounce you man and wife and now you can kiss the bride!" we were all still shocked but then they kissed and we all cheered.

*2 years later*

Mike is still without speech and probably he will stay that way, him and Liz live downtown so not that far away from us. They have 2 children, a 2 year old boy, Jayden and a new born baby girl, Haley.

Me and Sam are getting married next month and if you are wondering, Mike doesn't have cancer any more, he was cured a year ago!

And do you know why Mike is still alive and going strong?

Because Mike fought for survival and never gave up!



Thank you so much for reading please comment and vote thank you and I hope you liked it ! xxx

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