chapter 19

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Chp 19

We were all shocked but he put it aside,

“Jess can you shave my hair off?” asked Mike, yeah I think that's the best thing to do, so he won't see it fall off slowly…

“Of course, I'll do it tonight!” he smiled weakly. Liz excused herself and went outside, I decided to follow her…

“Liz! Liz wait up, what's wrong?” she looked at me and she was crying and I went to hug her…

“It's just that, I-I love him so much and seeing him like that breaks my heart!” she said still crying.

“Listen Liz, this is just the first side effect of chemo, there is gonna be much more, do you think you can handle it?”

“Yeah I can, I will for him!” and she gave me a weak smile. We decided to go back to his room and Liz went to hug and kiss Mike and he smiled.

Sam didn't do anything yet! I'm sure he doesn't love me anymore, he's not doing anything about it! My tummy grumbled, I decided to go bring something to eat for everyone. Oh yeah there is a nice restaurant just across the street from the hospital, maybe I should go there!

“Hey guys I'm gonna go bring something to eat for everyone, I'll be right back!” they all mumbled an okay, I guess no one is coming with me, alright then. I went down to the street, oh it's a pizza restaurant, they will be happy. I bought 4  pizza's, I think that's enough, we'll see. I went back out again and there was this group of guys who didn't convince me at all, okay I will just walk straight and ignore them.

“Hey there pretty!” one of them shouted, great they saw me!

“Is she ignoring us, man?!” I heard another one say. They came in front of me there was 2 of them only, the others walked away and one of them starting getting closer to me and he touched my face, I tried to push them away but they cornered me and one of them started running his hand up and down my leg, I panicked and started pressing random buttons on my phone without them noticing. After a little I heard a hello so I said what I had to say,

“What are you guys doing? Do you really think that no one will notice a girl cornered in front of the hospital against her will?!” that's all I needed to say I hope who said hello got the message. The guys that cornered me still continued one started kissing me and I tried to push him away but he was too strong, oh god!

From behind the guy I saw Sam, Nick and Scott all coming, oh thank god! Sam saw me first and he came running he got the guy who was kissing me off of me and he punched him and said

“Hey man, don't ever go near her ever again, she's my girlfriend and mine only and I love her you got it?!”

They just laughed at him and he got super angry and grabbed the guy from the collar,

“You come near her again or you even look at her and you will never be able to have children, keep away from her!” he shouted angrily, they got up from the floor and went away. Sam came up to me and hugged me and wiped my tears, I didn't know I was crying, he said

“Did they hurt you? I'm sorry I should have came with you!” he said guiltily but I smiled at him and I said

“I love you too!” he looked up at me again and smiled and he kissed me again for the first time in about 2 weeks,

“I'm really sorry for what I did Jess, forgive me?”

“I already forgave you!” I said and he kissed me again. We went back up to Mike's room and when we entered they all cheered and clapped, I guess they saw us from the window! The nurse then entered the room and said

“I have good news, Mike you can go back home tomorrow and come back in 3 days for the next chemo!” and she went away. Mike couldn't stop smiling and not even Liz, they are so in love! We all agreed that only me, Sam and Liz are gonna stay at the hospital tonight, so the others hugged us and left. It was still 8:00pm so we decided to watch a movie that was on t.v. At about 11:00pm we got tired and there was nothing good on so we went to sleep, Liz got into bed near Mike and me and Sam slept on the armchair on each other.

Tomorrow I'm going with Sam to the orphanage so we can adopt Jade, we agreed on it and Sam is 18 so he can adopt her! Let's hope all goes well!


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