chapter 20

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Chp 20

We all woke up at about 10:00am and Mike and Liz were packing some of the things Mike got here so we can go home. Nick arrived and took us to the orphanage and got Liz and Mike back home. Sam was so cheery  and happy today! We went in and again that bored receptionist was there.

“Sam don't comment on her mood!” he just laughed.

“Oh you're the one that came last time, right?!” the receptionist said, wow how does she remember, she doesn't pay attention to anything!

“Yes I am! Can we see Jade?” I asked.

“Nope, she isn't here anymore so you can go back out where you came from!” what?! And Sam said

“Hey look how you talk to my girlfriend, and what do you mean by she's not here? Did they move her into another orphanage?” she looked very annoyed!

“No, she was adopted yesterday!” oh god who adopted her?

“What? By who?” asked Sam.

“I'm not supposed to say!” Sam looked at me and I was gonna cry and he gave me a side hug and said

“C'mon tell us, I'll give you my wrist watch!” she smiled widely and extended her hand…what a bummer! Sam gave her the watch and finally she said

“Mr and Ms.Hall” what? The mayor and his wife adopted Jade,  I think Sam thought like me because he said

“What? The mayor adopted her?” she looked up again

“Yes, the mayor, who else?!” Sam had a sad look on his face and we went out of the orphanage, I tried to make him feel a little better

“You didn't have to give her your watch!” Sam smiled sadly and said

“I shouldn't have put her here, in the first place!” I looked down sadly and he made me look into his eyes and said

“I'm sorry okay? We will explain everything to the mayor and he will understand us and help us!” seems like a good idea but I think if he adopted her, he's not gonna give her up that easily! Sam saw my worried face,

“Baby it will be okay, everything will be!” and he kissed me. We got a bus and went back home, great Rachel was there! Sam smiled at me and we went in. when I entered if Ryan didn't hold Rachel she would have clawed my face! What's going on?

“Are you trying to adopt my child? You bitch!” she said. Sam was gonna talk but I got in the middle,

“First you leave her and now she is your child? And yes, I am trying to adopt her!” she came up to me and I thought she was gonna hit me but she grabbed my shirt and said

“Listen to me, you are still a baby yourself, you can't take care of a little girl and I didn't leave her, they took her away from me, so shut up you don't know the story!”

“I don't care what you are saying, you didn't take care of her but I will now and why do you hate me so much?!” I said.

“I already told you why I hate you, you took Sam away from me!” said Rachel and Sam got in the middle and said

“Rachel stop it, I was never yours and you know I don't like you that way!” and then she got angrier and slapped me, wow that's gonna bruise for sure! Sam now got furious and said

“Get out of my house now! How dare you hurt my girl in anyway?!”

“I'm sorry Sam, please!” I can't believe I'm saying this but she really sounded sorry!

“Get out Rachel!” Sam shouted again, she went out and he came over to me and hugged me and I told him to stop shouting, I kind of felt sorry for Rachel.

“Are you okay baby?” he sounded worried.

“Yeah I'm fine don't worry!” I didn't want to make the story bigger, it's just a bruise it will heal.

We decided to go to the mayor's house and try to get Jade back. Only me and Sam went, when we arrived we saw the big house, wow! There was a bodyguard outside,

“How can I help you?” he said, well at least he was nice!

“We would like to speak to the mayor.” said Sam politely, then the bodyguard said

“I'm sorry but only his wife is here today!” then I said,

“It's okay, can we talk to her?” he smiled and said

“Let me check!” he called someone and after about 5 minutes talking he said

“Okay you can go in!” we started walking in, ah man this house is really big, he has like 4 cars in the drive in and they were all his! Sam saw my face and started laughing and I elbowed him, so he stopped.

When we entered I immediately saw Jade playing and she saw me too, she came running towards me,

“Jess! You came!” I smiled and hugged her and said

“Of course I came!” and then Ms.Hall came and asked

“I'm sorry but who are you? Jade come here!” well you don't blame her, two complete strangers in her house and Jade goes to hug them!

“Hey Ms.Hall my name is Sam and this is my girlfriend Jess and in a way we are connected to Jade, can we talk to you for a little?” she just nodded, still not convinced and led us to the living room. We sat down and Sam started explaining the whole story about Jade and talked about the adoption, then the mayor came and asked what was going on and Ms.Hall explained everything and then Mr.Hall said

“So you want me to take her back to the orphanage so a 16 year old girl and an 18 year old boy can adopt her instead?”

“Yeah pretty much!” said Sam.

“No way! Now please get out of my house!” I was so disappointed this may be the last time I saw Jade! Jade waved sadly at me and Sam! And we got out.

“Wow, that went great!” I told Sam, Sam just hugged me and said sorry over and over again and said

“We are gonna get her back baby!” we went back to Sam's house and told the guys what happened, everybody had a pissy mood now! Then Sam got up and told me

“Baby, it's our first day back together, I know it's a bad day but tonight we are going on a date!” I smiled at him and nodded and then Mike said

“Can we do a double date guys?!” Liz smiled widely and Sam said yes, this is gonna be fun!

2 hours passed and me and Liz went to get ready, we didn't wear anything classy just a jeans and a top, we did each other's hair and a little make-up and we were ready! They were just taking us to watch a movie and after we go out for pizza!

We saw ‘The Vow' at the cinema, we mostly goofed around and talked, not quite watched the movie and at the restaurant we had a great time!


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