Final Thoughts

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My first ever finished story! It was amazing to write this story and mind blowing to see how big this story got. Because of this story, I've been encouraged to write plentiful amounts of stories to come! There might be a possible sequel to this story but nothing comfirmed~

Anyways... I figured I'd share some of my future plans for other stories I have in plan. I believe I have one or two more stories that involve the G/t universe, not including Mark and The Borrower. I also have about 2 stories for Dark and Anti and one Mark/teamiplier story so far. I also might do a one shot book possibly? I have a few other original stories that will come out after all the Mark/Dark/Jack stories. Then finally I have some other fandom stories in the works such as Harry Potter, Marvel, etc. I'll also be doing a rewrite of this story and Raspy Asylum in some distant future

This does not mean I won't have any other stories for the future but these are all the ideas I have at the moment. If it wasn't for this first story being such an amazing experience to write and interact with you guys, I don't think I would have the courage to write more. I just want to thank you all who have ever write this story, commented, voted, or just read. I really appreciate how nice everyone on this website is and it has really encouraged me to write more! So thank you all for sticking to this story and hopefully I'll see you guys around in my other stories. 

(Also please let me know how you guys feel about a one-shot book)

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