Chapter 21

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The panel finally ended and it was an experience. For the first half of the panel we had decided to do some improv which was really fun and the crowd seemed to enjoy it as well. Though there was one heart attack moment when I was doing improv with Mark and I wasn't paying attention to my surroundings and fell off the podium, causing the crowd to gasp. Luckily Tyler was close enough to catch me but for the rest of the improv, I was extremely cautious. The other half of the panel was a Q & A. A lot of my questions were along the lines of what it is like to be small but one question got me thinking, 'Will you be staying in L.A?'

I hadn't even thought about going home and throughout this whole ordeal I've never once got homesick. I mean, being in a town of people your size is fun and all, makes you feel safe, but being around giants was scarily exciting. Everything was so big and it was extravagant! Though there was a lot of risk being here, as one small slip up could end my life. I was getting a little too old to be living with my parents. (just pretend you're 22 or older). I ended up having to tell them I had no clue.

"(y/n), you alright?" Mark asked, breaking my train of thought. We were all just backstage hanging out, waiting for the crowd outside to lessen so it would be safer for us to leave and not get mobbed.

"Yeah I'm fine, just thinking about stuff." I told him, " So what were we talking about?" I asked.

"Oh, I was just saying I think it's safe enough for us to leave, but there's still a crowd so I think it would be safer if you hid in my flannel pocket just so nothing bad happens. But it's totally up to you." He offered. I wasn't sure since I hadn't ridden in a pocket before but I really didn't want anything bad to happen.

"Sure, I don't see why not." I told him. He smiled and said alright before placing his hand down for me to climb up on. Once I was situated on his hand, he slowly raised it to his breast pocket and tilted his hand for me to slide into his pocket.

I landed on the soft fabric and attempted to stand up but Mark started walking and since the pocket hand no stable ground, it made it practically impossible to stand up. It was like trying to stand on ice in socks. I eventually gave up and sat as Mark walked off to wherever we were going.

As I calmed down from struggling to stand, I realised I could hear his heartbeat which was pretty memorizing how loud it was but it wasn't loud enough to hurt my ears. I rested my head against his chest and relaxed while listening to his heartbeat.

(Mark's POV)

I carefully tilted (Y/n) into my pocket before walking towards the others to tell them it was time to go. I could feel them shift in my pocket which felt a little weird but they eventually stopped, probably getting in a comfortable position.

"Hey guys, I think it's safe to go." I told the group. Ethan stood up, grabbing his jacket and walked over to me.

"Alright, where's (Y/n)?" He asked.

"In my  flannel pocket." I told him, pointing to my breast pocket, "I thought it would be safer since there's still a crowd out there and I don't want to risk dropping them or having someone snap them from my hands."

"Yeah, smart idea." Ethan said before walking towards the door and into the hallway.

I followed Ethan out and everyone else followed me, of course being a big group of youtubers it was bound for us to be recognized. We took a few pictures with those who recognized us and a few asked where (Y/Y/N) was which I pointed to my pocket causing them to squeal, calling it 'cute'.

We finally made it out to the car. Once everyone was seated I asked, "Do you guys want to head out for dinner?" Everyone agreed and we drove off. I realised I didn't ask (Y/n) so a carefully scooped them out of my pocket.

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