Chapter 14

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( before we begin I want to give a big apology for not releasing this yesterday, I had started writing it but was interrupted with an update. My computer glitched and it is now stuck in a loop of undoing changes. Hopefully I can fix it today but I am really sorry for not getting this done yesterday! But anyways, here is the chapter!)
Your Pov)
We made are way back and I asked Jack if he could bring me to my room so I could grab my own camera. He agreed and gently grabbed me off his shoulder and walked into the guest room, placing me on the balcony. "Just text or call me when you're ready!" He smiled and went towards his own bag probably to grab his own camera.
    I entered my room and decided to change into something more comfortable and more equipped for hiding than what I was wearing at the park. ( Your choice) After changing and grabbing my camera, I went to text Jack but a soft knock on the wall startled me.
    "Hey (Y/N), you ready?" I could hear Jack's voice from outside my room.
     "Yeah!" I told him while taking deep breaths to calm my rising heartbeat. I walked out into the balcony and Jacks awaiting hand was in front of me. I carefully hopped on and crawled towards the center of his hand for the most stability. He walked out of our room and over to Mark who had already started recording.
     "Hey guys, just about to head out with a few YouTube friends who are here right now since Pax is in 2 days!" He looked over at us and ushered us over, "so Jack, (Y/N), and I are about to head out and play Hunt and we all decided to record it for you guys to experience." He he waited a few seconds before stopping the camera.
      "Alright, let's head out!" He stated and everyone followed him to the car. Mark pulled out the camera again in the car and described what the plans were.
     "So everyone here will have a camera attached to them, including (Y/n) who is in the backseat with Jack," he turned and zoomed the camera to my sitting formed and I waved. "Once we get there, Tyler and Ethan will go first with (Y/n) then Jack and I will go second. The fastest group to find (Y/n) is the winner. This may sound unfair to (Y/n) but their goal is to stay hidden for at least 10 minutes and if they can, then they win." After he explained how it would work, he kept recording while we cracked a few jokes.
     We finally arrived and mark turned off the camera and everyone exited the car. We walked up to the front counter and signed up for 2 games and were sent to the waiting area to let the last group finish up their game. While we were waiting, we all set up our cameras. After a few minutes the last group left. The lady at the front desk entered the room and spoke.
      "Alright, so I'll be taking your small friend into the room first and give them 5 minutes to find a hiding spot. They are not allowed to hide on the floor for safety reasons and after the 5 minutes are up 2 people are allowed to enter and search. They have a half hour to find their friend! So, who is the lucky friend to hide?" She smiled and spotted me in Jack's hand. She walked over to Jack and lowered her hand for me to climb on. Jack seemed hesitant to trust the lady but begrudgingly littler his hand so I could slide off into the lady's hand.
      She carefully lifted her hand and walked into the game room. There were a few rooms but this one was modeled to look like a typical teen's bedroom. She asked me which furniture I wanted to hide on or in. I decided to hide on the desk. She set me down on the desk and left the room so I could hide. I decided to climb into the pencil cup and once I settled in, she asked if I was ready and I to her yes.
     After a few minutes Tyler and Ethan entered the the room and began their search. Tyler started to look through the bookshelves since he was tall enough to see the top. Ethan went towards the desk I was at, causing my heart to pound. Ethan decided to look through the cupboards on the desk first which were filled with various empty bags and books. After that, he started to look around the desk but didn't bother to mess with the pencil holder I was hiding in which was a plus for me. Ethan gave up and start looking in other places.
    It had been about 15 minutes and I was about ready to hop out of my cup and yell at them. Tyler and Ethan had checked everywhere in the room, or so they thought, and started bickering to each other about how one of them probably didn't look hard enough.
    "Are you sure you looked through the desk thoroughly?" He asked Ethan, "yeah, why wouldn't I? I bet they're still on the bookshelf!" Ethan claimed and began his search through the bookshelf while Tyler look through the desk. It took another 3 minutes until Tyler took all the pencils out of the cup I was hiding in. He looked in and saw me and smiled
      "I knew you didn't look through the desk well enough!" He stated and tipped the cup so I could land on his hand. Ethan was about to protest until he saw me on Tyler's hand and groaned.
      "Where were they hiding?" He asked, still not believing I was found on the desk. Tyler pointed to the knocked over pencil cupped and Ethan blushed in embarrassment knowing he didn't even touch it. After a few seconds of awkward silence we all brushed out laughing. We exited the room and Hack and Mark stood up.
     "So who found (Y/n)?" They asked and Ethan lowered his head and pointed towards Tyler causing Mark and Jack to laugh. We all started to talk about our experiences until the lady said the next game was ready. Tyler moved his hand towards the lady and I was handed to the lady again. She took me to a different room that looked like a kitchen and I requested to be set down on the counter. She left and I began my master plan for hiding. I snickered, knowing Mark not Jack would find me if I could climb above the cupboard and hide in the plants on top. I started climbing the cupboard up. Good luck to Mark and Jack, I thought while snickering to myself

(Again sorry for the wait, but I hoped you enjoyed, the picture above is what my computer has been doing since 6 o'clock yesterday 😞)

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