Chapter 25

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(Your POV)

It felt like hours have passed since I've been in the jar but the clock on the wall told me otherwise. 'Only 30 minutes?' I groaned to myself, shifting around trying to find a comfortable position. Wilford would occasionally glance over at me but never spoke a word, not that I want to talk to him at the moment. My position in the jar allowed me to see what Wilford was doing so at least I wasn't entirely bored.

'Why would Wilford be researching about me?' I pondered. It seemed like all the egos know my name, even though I've only 'met' three of them. I wonder what other egos exist if Wilford, Dark, and Anti have all shown that the truly do exist. Wilford also mentioned 'key to success' but why would I be a key to whatever they're trying to succeed?

The door opened, interrupting my thoughts. It was Anti. "Do you have (Y/n)?" He asked Wilford.

"Why yes I do happen to have (Y/n). Though if you're thinking of taking them I can't allow you to do that, who knows when Jack might take back control." He grinned, obviously hitting a button on Anti.

"He will not take over anytime soon! I'm stronger than he will ever be, he barely has a chance of taking over! I was the one who found (Y/n), meaning I should be allowed to take them when I want to." He yelled, glitching more than usually. It was obvious Wilford ruffled Anti's feathers on on purpose as his grin got larger. Anti started to stomp over to the desk, taking a reach out for the jar I was in but Wilford caught his wrist.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you~ I was given direct orders from Dark to watch over them so if you have a complaint then please, do go tell Dark about it." He chided. Anti glared at Wilford with looks that could kill.

"I think a will." He scowled, ripping his wrist away from Wilford's grasp before storming out. Wilford just let out a chuckle before sitting back down in his chair and looking over at me.

"He's not the only one who will try to take ya. Once word gets around about you being here everyone will want to have a look." He chuckled again before pressing a button on a nearby microphone. "Google, can you make sure no one gets into my office except for Dark and I? Unless of course overridden by Dark or myself." He spoke into the mic.

"Affirmative." A robotic version of Mark's voice rang through the speaker. Wilford leaned back in his chair and stretched,

"This is going to be a long day."

(Anti's POV)

"How dare he assumes I would allow Jack to take over! Not in a million years. Jack has been in control long enough, it my time now!" I muttered under my breath storming down the hallway, various egos moving out of my way to avoid my wrath. I turned to corner before feeling a sharp pain through my head. "I swear Jack! Don't you even try to take," I yelled out before feeling another pain shoot through my body. I didn't even have time to be angry at Wilford for being right when my world went dark...

(Jack's POV)

I shook my head to get rid of the mild headache forming. I looked around to see where Anti took my body. The building looked like an office space with a few of Mark's alter egos walking around. 'Ah great, I gotta get out of here before they find out.' I thought before turning around to find a way out.

I passed by a few alters who stayed out of my way, probably because they still thought I was Anti. I tried my best to act like Anti as well by placing a scowl on my face and walking briskly.

"Jack walked by briskly, trying to find a way out of the building..." A voice rang out to my right. I jumped out of my skin and turned, seeing host standing in the hallway narrating my movement. I quickly shoved him into the room behind him. "Jack shoved the Host into his office, in hopes that no one heard the Host narration of his actions, he shushed me before walking out of the room and closing the door behind him with a slam, now getting back on track of finding the exit..." The voice drawled out before turning into a whisper then stopping completely as I made my way down the hall, away from his room.

I saw a door that said exited and ran over, "Finally!" I cheered quietly, walking out of the building. I started to walk down the streets while pulling out my phone to call Mark.

"Hey Mark, It's me Jack! I was able to gain back control. Could you pick me up at..." I looked at the nearby street names, "B Street and C Road?" (Not real street names)

"Yeah, I can. Do you have (Y/n) with you?" Mark asked.

"No?" I stuttered, wondering why they would be with me until I remembered what happened earlier that morning, "Wait, did Anti take (Y/n)?!" I yelled into the phone. I heard Mark sigh deeply,

"No, Dark did. I don't know how he found out about (Y/n) but he did and took them while Anti distracted us." He replied solemnly. "I assume you don't know where they are?" I looked back at the building behind me,

"No, but I may have an idea where they may be. Go to the streets I told you about, I'm positive they're nearby."

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