Mitch Rapp: Part 1...

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You woke up knowing that today was the day that your dad was expecting a guest, by the name of Mitch Rapp.

He was a CIA operative, in which your dad was going to help him train for a black ops mission, of which will be taking place over these next few months.

You dad filled you in on as much as he felt you should know about Mitch & why he was staying with you both these next few months.

Your dad needed to train him every Monday to Friday to get him into shape, especially before putting him out into the field.

You crawled out of bed & dragged your feet to the bathroom, looking at yourself in the mirror.

You slowly wiped away the sleep out of both your eyes & ran the tap, picking up your toothbrush & toothpaste & quickly brushed your teeth.

You turned the tap off & put the toothpaste & toothbrush back on the side of the sink & walked out the bathroom, still yawning your head off.

You grabbed a scrunchie & tied your hair up in a high pony tail & quickly grabbed a vest top, a pair of leggings & then slipped your feet into your favourite pair of sneakers.

You walked out of the bedroom & down the stairs, but before you entered the kitchen, you could hear your dad talking to someone.

You then entered the kitchen & that's where you was met by your dad making breakfast & a tall framed young man with hazel brown eyes & dark brown matted hair, was sitting at the dining table, eating a fry up.

Stan: Morning sweety, I want to you to meet our guest, Mitch Rapp. (he smiled)

You: Hello Mitch. (you smiled at him)

Mitch: Hello. (he spoke calmly)

Stan: Now I want you to make Mitch feel at home these upcoming weeks, alright sweety? (he spoke firmly)

You: Yes dad, of course. (smiling)

Stan: Now, same as usual? (inquiring about the fry up)

You: Yeahh, absolutely. (you grinned)

Stan: Ohh sweety by the way, your training partner isn't feeling well today, so I'm teaming you up with Mitch. (he nodded towards Mitch)

The news suddenly made your heart jump out of your skin almost.

You had heard soo many stories about Mitch, some good & some not soo good.

You looked over at Mitch, who also seemed surprised by this sudden news.

You: But i thought you was training him dad? (you asked concerned)

Stan: I will be training him sweety, but I thought you could show Mitch some of your skills, if that's okay with you Mitch? (he asked firmly)

Mitch: That's fine by me, Stan. (he nodded)

You: Umm yeah, okay then. (you nodded too)

Mitch then picked up his now empty plate & passed it to Stan, who put it in the sink.

Stan: Right, Mitch, follow me & i'll show you to the spare bedroom & then you two can head next door & get started.

With that, Mitch followed Stan up the stairs & into the spare bedroom.

Stan: Here you go. (he said opening the bedroom door)

Mitch: Thanks Stan, this means alot. (smiling)

Stan: Lets just hope all this hard work & training pays off eh? (he placed a hand on Mitch's shoulder, smiling)

Mitch: Yeahh. (he half smiled)

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