Can't Keep Your Eyes Open...

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It was late & time was ticking on, but before you knew it, you literally couldn't keep your eyes open any longer.

You had been waiting up for almost 3 hours now for Dylan, becoz he was coming home today from being away from you for a couple of months, due to him filming.

You was determined to stay awake & wait for him, in which he had a very late flight & becoz of the time, he had decided to get a taxi from the airport, instead of driving.

You kept having to adjust your position from slouching to sitting in an upright position on the sofa, but your body & brain on the other hand just wanted to go to sleep.

You tried your very hardest to stay awake & greet him once he got back from his very late flight & exhausting taxi ride home.

Instead you kept looking at the clock on the wall, but the hands & ticker weren't moving any faster, than you had actually hoped they would.

In the end, you just gave up & without even realising it, you headed off to noddyland into a deep sleep.

When Dylan finally got home, via the taxi, he opened up the front door slowly & called out your name, but he didn't get the response he was hoping for.

He dropped his duffle bag on the floor  in the hallway before finally coming into the living room & seeing you laying there on the sofa, lightly snoring, made his heart melt inside.

He knew you had been trying to stay awake to greet him once he got back home, but it seems your exhaustion had gotten the better of you in that moment.

He slowly crept towards the sofa & crouched down beside you, kissing your forehead softly & stroking your cheek, smiling.

He stood back up & then slowly climbed on the sofa with you, trying to get behind you, without waking you up in the process.

Unfortunately his plan of getting behind you & getting comfortable without disturbing you, didn't go according to plan at all.

You woke up to the feeling of another person now on the sofa with you, in which you groaned a little & rubbed your eyes with your knuckles, trying to see who it was.

Once your vision was clear, you had to rub your eyes again, just to make sure whoever you was seeing on the sofa with you, was real.

You: Dylan?? (you smiled in excitement)

Dylan: Hey baby, sorry for waking you. (he rubbed your legs)

You: It's okay, I'm glad your home. (you smiled once more)

Dylan: Me too babe, I've missed being in those beautiful arms of yours. (he smirked)

With that, you quickly climbed on top of him, so you were now sitting on him, straddling his lap.

You: I've missed you. (you pouted)

Dylan: I've missed you too babe. I'm sorry for making you stay awake all night. (he half smiled)

You: It's okay, I'm just glad your back now. (you put your arms around his neck)

Dylan: I love you soo much babe. (he pulled you closer into him & kissed your lips)

You: I love you too Dylan. (you pressed your lips against him once more)

Dylan: What you say, we snuggle up on here & get some well earned rest eh? (he asked)

You: Okay... (you smiled & nodded)

You both shared & embraced one another untill you both finally fell asleep on the sofa together, with Dylan cradling you in his arms.

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