35; the night we met

Start from the beginning

"There's nothing wrong with that." I shrugged.

"No I mean... we talk a lot, but it feels like we don't show each other just how we feel."

I glanced down again to our hands, feeling my cheeks flush.

"Flynny." He said softly, causing my heart to flutter like mad. "Don't you agree?"

"It's difficult to tell," I mumbled, closing my eyes. I might've looked calm on the outside, but inside I was trying so hard to hold back.

"Is it? How so?"

"Well I'm pretty sure you know that I had a lot of meaningless flings in school." I finally worked up enough courage to meet his eyes. "That's what's so worrying. How meaningless everything was, because I don't want that with you, I want to feel something."

He stayed quiet, so I continued. "It's been a long time since I've done anything meaningful. I'm not quite sure how I'd feel with you. I don't want to feel let down, and right now, I feel like I'm kidding myself if think otherwise."

He bit his lip.

"Fine, you're scared that you've turned into a braindead bumboy, mentally scarred from past affairs, but who's to say that you'd never be able to reverse it? How would you know if you're so obsessed with avoiding it for that very reason?" he explained, and tugged at my legs, forcibly pulling me closer to him. I had no other choice but to straddle his waist.

"If you ask me," he whispered lowly by my ear, I shivered involuntarily. "you're being a drama queen."

My eyes widened and I turned my head to face him again, but instead met his lips. I kept them connected, as if it was the only thing that could keep me alive, and found myself gripping onto his shirt tightly, clenching up the soft fabric in my fists.

He bought both of his hands up to caress my face, and his fingers tensed as he attempted to bring my face even closer to his as if that was even possible, which it most definitely wasn't.

"I hate you." I mumbled as I stared into his eyes.

"Good, use that anger."

"Ben!" I laughed. Trust Ben to be inappropriate, especially at a time like this. I've only seen this side of him when he tells jokes, because most of them are rude and definitely anything but innocent. Sure, he's had two tequila shots, only firing up his confidence and his creativity in bad jokes, but he's a large person, so I was convinced that it would take a lot more. Of course, he only let me have one shot, but only because I was pleading. He was adamant on not allowing me to mix the alcohol with my medication.

I looked around us, noticing very few people around us, but only because they moved away, further away from us. I felt my face got hot, and I let go of his shirt and straightened out the creases I had just made.

"Let's go someplace else."

"Like where? We can't leave Wyatt."

"We won't." he got up off the grass and helped me get up. I could tell he was holding back from letting go of my hand just so I fall back on my arse. He intwined my right hand with his left, and he was enthusiastically pulling me towards the car. I had to practically run to match his pace.

He dug into his pocket and grabbed the keys, unlocking the car with unimaginable speed. He jumped into the drivers seat and I jumped into the passenger side. The car was cold too, so we had to spend a few minutes fumbling with the heater and radio before he decided to plug in his phone and play some chilled late night tunes.

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