34; pretty

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Song: 'Beautiful Thing' by Grace Vanderwall
Such an amazing and fitting song, id like to give my thanks to the phandom for helping me find this song from an edit I found on yt.. lol. I've put an asterisk * at the point in the chapter where you should start playing this song... or you can play when you want since i don't own you. Lol


"Is this the final goodbye?" I whispered to Ben. He glanced at me with glistening eyes, and pulled his lips into a smirk.

"It is." He said. "Think of it as a fresh start."

"A fresh start? Ben, I can't just forget everything. It's not that simple."

"Then the beginning of a journey of rediscovery."

"You're so weird." I laughed, stretching my arm out to him. His soft touch sent jolts of electricity shooting through me veins, and soon enough, the familiar bracelet was off my wrist.

"This bracelet," Ben waved it in the air, the snake design on it glistened with an orange glow from the roaring fire beside us. "This bracelet makes me remember upsetting past events."

"Not only that, it makes me feel like I can't move on." I mumbled. The Torvux bracelet I had worn everyday since I started year eight was being held in Ben's hands. He started the thing down and frowned.

"I really don't like this bracelet." He grumbled, as if I hadn't heard him the first time.

"Neither." I grabbed Ben's free hand and laced it with mine. "Throw it."

"Are you sure-"

"I've never been more certain of anything else in my life."

He cleared his throat. "Maybe you should throw it then."

"No, because I know that I don't have the courage." I sighed, "I want you to do it."

And then, after a few hesitant breaths, he did. The burning fire swallowed up the ratty bracelet that I had worn since school. The bracelet I had worn for years just to show off the fact I was apart of this stupid clique.

It all just sounds childish now.

Ben wrapped me up in a big hug, and gave me the deepest kiss he's ever given me. I melted into his body and pulled apart after realising there were other people around us.

"A new beginning." I mumbled. I watched the bracelet burn, and felt the bad memories from high school washing away just as quickly.

(One hour earlier)

"We've arrived." Ben announced, shaking my shoulder gently. I groaned and found myself leaning toward him.

"Alright." I unclicked my belt and stepped out the car, and stretched my freakishly long limbs.

"It's proper casual, I'm taking my tie off, I don't know if you want to as well-"

"Why do I smell smoke?" I mumbled, whipping my head around in the direction I heard some shouting.

"You'll see." He grinned, "come on, take your tie off. Don't be a posh fuck, we're back near home so nobody would like that."

I snorted and started taking my bow tie off. "Shut up."

Ben's phone started ringing and he turned his back to me from the other side of the car and lifted his phone up to his ear. He spoke quietly, so I couldn't decipher anything.

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