∽Chapter 14∽

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'Debate' PT 1

Min Ha Na: am I good side or bad side?
Man: your dad will explain everything...I don't know much information about this debate...so ask your dad..seatbelt?
Min Ha Na: no, no seatbelt
Man: please put them in
Min Ha Na: heh no
Man: why not?
Min Ha Na: cuz I don't want to, just drive shesus
Man: fine...

He started the engine and went off going to our building...few minutes later we've already arrive...it was tall...I could jump from it, just kidding....the driver opened my door and stretched out a hand signing me to go out, I got out and people were at the side...started taking pictures...I wasn't ready for this...I finally got in and I was greeted by my "lovely" father.

Dad: finally! You are here!
Min Ha Na: I know...and?
Dad: help me
Min Ha Na: with?
Dad: a-
Min Ha Na: debate....why?
Dad: to remove this company...
Min Ha Na: so which side am I?
Dad: bad
Min Ha Na: I know all the reasons why you should remove this company right away....when?
Dad: .....Tommorow...
Min Ha Na: with?
Dad: the second highest company...


Min Ha Na: what rank is your company?
Jungkook: 2nd company...but I don't know the first one...
Min Ha Na: that must be us!

-end of flashback-

Dad: can you chill...people are watching...
Min Ha Na: and?
Dad: yes...your debating with him....he's the good side...
Min Ha Na: he doesn't even know much about this company...
Dad: you'll see...
Min Ha Na: so which side are you?
Dad: his...your the bad side...and he's the good side...so what else?
Min Ha Na: yah yah whatever...see you..

I looked back and waved my hands on him..and now he's frozen tilting his head...my driver opened the door for me and got in, he looked familiar...and CRAP WAIT!!!

Min Ha Na: dude! Drop me off in this address

I showed him the address on my phone and he nodded, while I kept on saying 'crap' in my head, I sat down putting my seatbelt on...the driver looked at me with an unbelieved face

Man: y-you..p-put on your belt??
Min Ha Na: *tilts head* what's wrong with that?
Man: nothing...let's go...

I rolled my eyes..while thinking my reasons of why they should remove this company...it was silence...until I broke it by humming one of my favourite song 'beautiful in white'...you wouldn't call yourself as a good singer but and okay singer...because you barely sing in the mansion...but your actually hiding a talent inside...no one know what it is...it isn't swimming, dancing, singing, drawing, those are just basic talents of mine...but my hidden talent is-

Man: ma'am were here...

I opened the door by myself and thanked him by bowing and went inside the condo...of course people already notices and remembers me...so why do I have to go to the receptionist and ask what room baekhyun is in...wait actually...I need him to pick me up downstairs hehe, let's call him. I clicked his number and dialled it, it started to ring, then someone answered it..sounds like him. Almost...

Min Ha Na: hello? Baekhyun?
??: this is not baekhyun...
Min Ha Na: I swear if you're playing around me, I'll kill you haha, kidding not
??: I'm serious! This is not whoever your talking about, tsk

I went inside the elevator and hang up and went to his floor...some people got in and out...because I heard that they have a pool on the rooftop! Cool! The elevator opened a little then it was BLACKOUT....crap...I'm only by myself...and I'm so close at baekhyun's floor! I kept on slamming myself on the elevator door, when I just remembered they have the emergency call and stuff here aish..so dumb...

Min Ha Na: hello??? Help me!!

But then when I was about to open the door, the lights opened I smiled a little and tried to go outside but....the elevator dropped down making me hold on to someone's hand...I looked up and it was Sehun? He of course knows me, he gave all his force just to bring me up cuz I'm heavy...

Min Ha Na: thanks...but aren't you one of the workers in my dads company?
Sehun: yeah, I am...I'm also a friend of baekhyun...
Min Ha Na: so....so! Your the one who answered his phone!
Sehun: yeah I did...any problem?
Min Ha Na: yeah yo-
Sehun: I heard your doing a debate for the company..and your the bad side...
Min Ha Na: actually....can you help me for that?
Sehun: yes ma'am....I have tons of reasons why they should remove this company...
Min Ha Na: I bet, let's start..later...but let's find baekhyun now, I also need to talk to him

Sehun nodded and went off running around the condo, when I stopped...I heard a familiar voice, I looked back and I saw baekhyun waving with Sehun, I tilted my head...wait it reminds me of Jungkook...stop tilting your head for gods sake tsk...I ran up to baekhyun and started hugging him so tight, but he patted my back.

Min Ha Na: Omo! I missed you so so much!
Baekhyun: I know, I know...now let's go in ;)
Min Ha Na: uh...no thanks...not that way...sheesh...
Baekhyun: I know, leggo!

We all chatted and got to know each other, we almost became best friends with Sehun, I am already baekhyun' best friend..but me and Sehun had to go now...chat...for the debate...tomorrow...apparently...

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