Chapter 12: The Competition Makes a Plan

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Third Person View: Error, Horror, Nightmare, and ?

"H-heh. Th-that went r-r-relativl-l-ly well." Error nodded with satisfaction.

"Well, that was surprising. I wasn't expecting that to go that well." Horror added.

"What? You doubted me, Horror? Hah! At least it wasn't you doing the hard work. Then it never woulda' worked." Nightmare scoffed.

"Are you kidding me?! That went WELL?! Nightmare didn't get him!" The new member snarled. He was powerful, able to greatly rival Error. And he had a temper.

"Patience, my friend. You'll get your new toy soon enough. We'll have all our new toys soon." Error assured him.

"But I want Red now!" He snarled.

"Red's too difficult to get to. And he's weak. I think I heard Ink say Sans needs to bring Papyrus. The original. As well as the Swapfell bros. So that's something." Nightmare shrugged.

"I think it'd be a better bet to take Fell. He's powerful. With his power out of the way, we can take the others easier." Horror pointed out.

"Y-y-you do br-ing-ing-ing up g-g-g-good poin-n-nts, b-b-but we need t-t-to think a-a-about what w-w-w-will be the b-be-EST thing to d-d-do." Error added.

"I want Blue." Cross, the new member, whispered. His voice was light as a feather, barely stirring the air. All heads turned to look at him. Cross' eyes were blank, a deranged smirk spread slowly, psychopathically, across his face. He kept his head down just slightly.

"W-W-W-WH-A-A-A-AT-TT?!" Error roared. In the blink of an eye, Cross' head was up, twitching gently, and he stared Error down.

"You heard me. I want him." Cross giggled demonically. Nightmare, for once, was silent. He was staring at Cross like he was scared of him. Cross' neck snapped towards Nightmare, a black liquid dripping slowly from his mouth. It was curled up like a crescent moon, and Nightmare knew it wasn't all Cross, it was Chara too. Nightmare flinched when Cross started to speak again.

"You said it yourself, Nightmare~ Red is too weak. And too difficult to get to. But I want to mess with Fell. Hahaha... He loves little Blue! I want to play with the new FUCKERS! My new little toys! So Blue would be perfect~. He's small and innocent and sweet~ Like a blueberry~. I want him. I want to torture the innocence out of him~! HAHAHA!! Then it would mess with Fell, and Red, and Sans, and Beyond and Geno, and especially... ha... Swap. Mhm hm hm... Isn't taking the most loved more fun than taking the most pathetic?" Cross cackled. The other skeletons glanced at each other.

"Actually, I agree with him..." Horror admitted. Nightmare just nodded absently.

"F-f-fine, bu-t-t-t... I get to p-p-pl-ay-AY with the l-l-little p-p-pips-QUEAK too." Error smirked.

"Haha... ha ha ha... HAHAHA~! Of course, Error~!" Cross' smile stretched and his head twitched more. Horror and Nightmare shared a glance, and a smirk.

"Then, boys, when are we gonna get the little runt?" Nightmare asked.

"Well, personally, we should give them some time, let them think they're safe. Maybe mess with Sans. And Papyrus when he gets there. Then hit Blue hard, and take him. They won't let us take him without a fight, but with Dust and Killer, that shouldn't be a problem." Cross shrugged.

"Heh! Good luck with Killer! He lost his mind long ago. He'll try to kill you before he listens to two words out of your mouth." Horror chuckled. Cross glared at him.

"Error, you'll take care of that, won't you?" Cross blinked innocently. Error smirked.

"O-O-of c-cour-s-s-se!" He chucked, little blue strings he used to control appeared, slithering towards Horror and Nightmare. The two skeletons backed away a little nervously.

"Hee hee hee!! This is gonna be so, much, fun!"

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