Chapter 6: The Minor Battle Begins... and Ends

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Third Person View: Sans, Fell, Red, Beyond, and Geno


Sans teleported up in the air and sent his own Gaster Blaster on Fell. Fell had to react quickly, using his agility to leap up to avoid the blasts.

Fell had orange bone in his hands, almost as tall as he was, and smirked. "How long can you keep moving?" Fell chuckled, sprinting forward and swiping his weapon at Sans' head. Sans moved and it went right through him. He did this three times before his turn was over, Sans avoiding every one. Sans had to- one hit and it could be game over for him.

"You're blue now, sucker." Sans smirked back at Fell, using his magic to grab Fell's SOUL, making it turn blue. He flung Fell at the wall, making bones stab out at the same time. Fell got hit, but it didn't hurt him much. Sans repeated the process at the other walls, ceiling, and floor four times before Fell broke away.

"You fight well, for someone who acts and looks like my brother. Nyeh heh... Then again, with Red... The bar's set so low you could step over it." Fell chuckled. He kept firing bones and Gaster Blasters at Sans, who kept having to teleport around, which was wearing him out quickly.

Fell's main blaster, an ebony black one with dark scarlet eyes, stayed right next to him.

"Fang, you know what to do. Survive this, Sans!" Fell laughed maniacally. The blaster, Fang, reacted instantly and flew forward, the other Gaster Blasters following suit. They stayed an equal distance apart from each other, concentrated on Sans. Sans prepared to teleport, but Fang and the others did nothing but sit there.

"You see, Sans, I know you like my brother. I have reliable information that tells me you wanted to make a new place for my brother alone. Or take him to your universe to live with you and your friends. I know you watched him more than any other Sans or Papyrus. You watched him more than you watched most of the AUs themselves. You wanted to SAVE him so badly that you wanted to create something entirely new. But Ink wouldn't let you do that, would he? So you went with the next best option, making a universe for any Sans or Papyrus that was unhappy. But really, you just wanted my brother here. You're desperate to help him so he doesn't end up like you. You're so desperate to SAVE someone who you know can't be saved. You want to make the pathetic waste of life feel like he's worth something, when you know he isn't. You want to help him so he'll like you. You just have a pitiful need to be loved by someone besides your worthless brother. And because you feel the slightest attachment to Red, you are frantic for him to love you." Fell chuckled lowly.

Sans was caught entirely off guard by how much Fell knew. But Sans didn't have a crush on Red, right? He just... wanted to help him, but... Fell had an incredibly good point.

Suddenly, Fang and the other blaster were all firing at once. "Chiller!" Sans shouted, too tired to teleport and too shocked to process if he could. Chiller, Sans' main Gaster Blaster, appeared, lifting Sans above the other Gaster Blasters.

Sans was slowing way down. He couldn't fight much longer. His magic was running too low, so he could only attack one more time. Sans sent all the Gaster Blasters at Fell that he had, only managing to hit Fell a few times, and he had a massive amount of HP. Sans was panting, trying to catch his breath as he stood. Fell smirked, sending his Blasters on Sans. Sans raised his arms, trying to shield himself although he knew he couldn't.

Sans heard the sound of the charging blasters and the firing. But he didn't feel a thing. He opened his eyes to see Geno in front of him with a Gaster Blaster over both of them for protection.

"Don't worry Sans. We're here for you." Geno smiled. Sans let out a faint breath of relief. "Thanks," Sans said.

"Fell! What are you doing?! If you can't get along without getting into fights, you can't stay here." Ink growled at Fell, suddenly also in front of Sans and Geno.

For a moment, Sans thought for sure Fell would argue. The taller skeleton glared defiantly for a moment before finally backing down.

"Yeah, yeah... Sorry..." Fell grumbled.

Beyond and Geno both went upstairs and Fell stormed upstairs to the other living room. Ink left as well, which just left Sans and Red.

Red barreled into Sans, tears rolling down his face as he hugged Sans. "T-Thank you so m-much, Sans... Thank y-you for e-everything." Red snuggled his face into Sans' chest. Sans tensed for a moment, getting a weird feeling in his chest. He forced himself to relax, wrapping his arms protectively around Red. Sans lowered his head and heard a soft 'bump' when he rested his skull on the top of Reds'.

"It was nothing, Red. I'd do it again, and more. No one should be treated the way he treated you. I'll always protect you..." The last sentence was so soft Sans didn't think Red had heard him. Red let out a breath of surprise. He snuggled his face closer to Sans and that feeling, like Sans' soul was beating backward, started up in Sans' chest again. Was that what having a crush on someone felt like?

Sans didn't really know.

A/N: WHOOP WHOOP GUESS WHO'S BACK, BABY?! *looks at the last chapter published and how long ago it was* whooooppppssss... haha... ummm sorry about that. I'm back tho!! Yaaayyy!!! XD well anyway see you in the next chapter, my friends!!

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