Chapter 11: Nightmares and Reality

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Third Person View: ....

Red was walking by the new Snowdin.

He just needed some time to think, some time to be alone.

What's the harm in a little walk, right?

Fell was with Blue, baking for everyone.

Sans was with Swap in the living room, talking and having a bit of a pun war.

Beyond and Geno were watching a movie upstairs.

Ink wasn't paying close enough attention.

Dream was freaking out because he'd finally realized how much Nightmare had been sneaking off.

Error was staying in sight, so he had an alibi.

Horror was waiting for word from Error.

And Nightmare was watching... Unseen by anyone.

And there was one more member of the club that was just waiting. He knew his time would be coming soon. He just had to be patient. Soon he'd have a few new toys to play with.

The X-Event is Coming.

"Jeez, this is insane... I wonder if anyone else can feel it. Something's just... not right lately..." Red mumbled to himself, looking around.

"I should probably tell Sans about the weird feeling I've been having.... Nah, it's probably just because Fell's been hanging with that little blue pipsqueak, and is being semi-nice on account of it." Red chuckled. He glanced over his shoulder uneasily. What was that feeling?!

Red continued walking.

Snap! Red jumped and spun around. Something moved in the corner of his vision, and his head turned to follow it. Red stared until his eyes hurt, but there was nothing to be seen.

'Did I just imagine it?' Red wondered silently. He turned back and started walking faster.

Red's POV.

Okay, I was definitely hearing footsteps behind me. The subtle crunch, crunch, crunch of snow was impossible to miss. Then the footsteps stopped, but my footsteps seemed louder.

Holy shit it's two sets of footsteps. Whatever the hell it is, it's walking in time with me. What the fuck?! I thought, my breathing speeding up.

"Sans! Er- Red! Wait!" Fell's voice called out. What?

I paused, turning around. Sure enough, my brother was running up to me. That feeling of DANGER, DANGER, DANGER, FUCKING RUN YOU DUMBASS! Made my heart pound. I'd been feeling it so much lately, like something was just wrong. I blamed it on my PTSD because of my brother. But there was something different...

"Bro- er, Boss, ah- Fell-" I panicked slightly.

"Brother, do you care about me, really?" I tilted my head at Fell's words.

"Wh-What?" I questioned.

"I am sorry for everything I have done, brother. I was wrong in all of it. I hope you can forgive me, although I do not deserve it." Fell said solemnly.

"P-Papyrus... Of course I forgive you, you're my brother." I was still confused.

"So you do still care about me?" Fell asked softly.

"Is that even a question?? Of course I do! More than anything!" I exclaimed.

"Then why?" I looked up at him in confusion and saw crimson liquid running from his eyes and mouth. There were a bunch of cracks in his skull with the same liquid running from them. A huge gaping scar had appeared in his chest, oozing a vivid carmine-vermillion red color.

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