Chapter 8: Fights, Fights, and More Fights

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Third Person View: Fell, Blue, Swap, Sans, and Red

Three Weeks Later

"I've never done anything to hurt him!" Fell shouted.

"I don't care! I know your type! You will! Stay away from my brother!" Swap shot back.

"Stay away from my boyfriend!" Fell hissed.


"Fell's been nothing but trouble since he got here..." Sans muttered, almost relieved when his phone rang.

"Heya. Sans here." Sans said into the phone.

"Hey Sans. Ummm... So I was thinking... Maybe we should uh- bring Swapfell to the Multiverse?" Ink replied.

Sans sighed in annoyance.

"Really, Ink? I'm having enough trouble with Swap and Fell as it is, I do not think we should have two of them here." He groaned at the thought of trying to deal with TWO Fell's. Ink hesitated.

"Yeah, I guess you're right." He sighed.

"Although... Maybe... Ice? Or the Gasters?" Sans said uncertainly.

"Hmmm... Maybe..." Ink sighed.

"Ink? What did you really call about?" Sans asked softly.

"You can't do that! You don't OWN him, you sick jerk!" Swap growled.

"Neither do you!" Fell hissed.

"At least I know that! I don't act like Blue is my fucking property!" Swap's eyes flared.

"Guys-" Blue tried to get their attention.

"I don't treat Blue like that! I would never treat him like that!" Fell exclaimed.

Sans walked out of the room. He couldn't handle those three arguing.

"What do you mean, Sans?" Ink asked.

"I mean there's no way you only called to say that." Sans replied. Ink sighed again.

"I'm just, a little stressed, y'know? This Multiverse... It's a great idea with a great reason behind it. But I mean, what if something goes wrong? I guess I'm just parinoid. It's nothing, really Sans." Ink responded. Sans nodded.

"Yeah, I get what you mean, Ink. Well, just relax. Don't work yourself down to the bone, eh?" Sans grinned.

"Hahaha, yeah, thanks Sans. See ya." Ink hung up after that. And the fighting continued in the other room.

"Well I'm so SORRY I find it difficult to believe you, Fell. After all, look what you did to your own brother." Swap growled from the living room.

"That's different! Leave my pathetic brother out of this! He's worthless. I never cared for him. I'd never do what I did to my brother to Blue. Blue is actually worth caring for." Fell hissed. Sans took a deep breath and waked upstairs on the back staircase.

"Mweh? Sans? Where are you going?" It was Blue, who had walked into the kitchen as Sans was leaving.

"Huh? Oh, hey Blue. I'm going to my room. What're you doing?" Sans replied.

"Making tacos. I gave up trying to break up Fell and Swap." Blue let out a huff of unsatisfied air. Sans frowned lightly.

"Aw, c'mon, pal. That doesn't sound like the Blueberry I know! Giving up? Hmmm... maybe you aren't The Magnificent Sans I thought you were...." Sans acted like he was thinking hard, but he saw he'd gotten Blue going. His eyes were little stars of determination.

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