Chapter 47

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Today's training has been more rigorous than ever so far. We're building up muscle memory and every tactic for any situations that may occur.

I would expect it to be this way. Three more days remained in the countdown.

The commander of our group didn't close his mouth. He pushed us and corrected even the slightest mistakes that were made. All to prepare us.

I could barely pass a word to Agni, Mira, or Mohana. Even if we all did the same training exercise together we would be too focused on doing the moves correctly.

The first half of the day was filled with tactics. The second half was nothing but target practice. Guns have never been my thing though. I've got a natural weapon that shoots just as far and is ten times more accurate.

Guns require aiming. My lightning requires concentration on the target.

The day passed and all the events blurred together. When the day's training came to an end we all returned to our appartments and said nothing more than a few words. Mohana and Agni were drenched in sweat. Mira's braid was falling apart and her shoulders weren't as upright as when the day began. I could tell the day had been rough on them. Yes, I was tired too, but the amulet gave me back the strength I needed. Compared to my exhausted friends I still had another two rounds of training left in me.

This was all to get us ready for the battle. Becoming stronger and harder, we would be better prepared for the worst case scenario.


The next day it looked as if we would be doing the same constant training. It started in a similar manner as the day before. Agni and Mira were both relieved when a messenger came and informed us that we were requested to meet with Barry Hawthorn in his office.

Following our informer, we walked to  the office of the commander of the Baladeva.

When we entered the office area of Mr.Hawthorn, I felt my feral instincts kick in. My senses detected an aura in the looming air. I recognized the feeling as that of a person without much rest and the weakness of someone filled with exhaustion.

Barry Hawthorn turned to us as he shut his laptop. The dark shadows under his eyes were evident. A cup of lukewarm coffee sat beside the closed laptop. A drained look covered his features.

We were tired of the physical training, but I never considered of the other ways a person could be diminished by preparing. The commander of the Baladeva had obviously been working himself to death.

"Sit. Please." He told us.

We did so, pulling up a chair a peice. My eyes payed attention to the man in front of us. Clasped hands, vision looking downward, and furrowed eyebrows. All signs that something unpleasant was about to be told to us.

We waited for him to begin the discussion.

Barry Hawthorn raised his head, "I respect you three as I would anyone else who aids me in the running of the Baladeva. My trust in you is stronger than my relationship with the select few of my friends. That is why I have decided to let you in on some knowledge that won't be told to the other soldiers until later."

The three of us all held our breath. The tension built in the air and I felt anxious at what was about to be revealed.

He went on, "We all know the Overthrow is called so because it it the an attempt where the Avinish plan to attack and take over select governments. According to our intel, we understand that the Avinish have decided to target more countries than we expected. Not just small countries with limited armory, but large ones such as China, Russia, the United Kingdom, Australia, the United States, and Canada. The list goes on. Such a vast attack on incredibly strong countries proves what we are up against here."

He swallows to clear his throat then continues, "The poisoned animals which they plan to use in the attacks have been chosen. They chose the best animals that could withstand the most bullets and bodily damage. The Avinish don't have to worry about rounding up gunmen to do their work. They have soulless creatures that will never question their orders, and by common knowledge they have plenty enough to take over countries."

He opens his laptop back up and starts to tell us as he types, "We know that the Avinish have secret labs in many countries. They won't have to take the animals to the country if they're already inside. The animals have bluetooth devices strapped near their ears so that they can hear orders. The orders will be given from a central control room that will be manned by about two hundred people. This is the area we plan to attack two days from today. The animals only need to be released within the country and the people at the central Avinish compound in India will tell them their orders on how to take down the capitals. When the animals fulfill their work and take over conpletely, they'll be the soldiers that keep everyone in place. The Avinish plan to control the world with these mindless animals. Every one of those creatures will be accessible in one room at the Abvinish compound. This will be the first enemy ever known to have the smallest human army yet the strongest muscle power."

I let me weight fall back against the chair as I took it in. I had known the Avinish planned to overthrow the world and its countries, but I had no idea they would do it in such a swift and programmed way.

I fingered the translucent orange and black striped amulet around my neck. The inner instinct inside me that always seemed to explain the unanswerable did so just then.

Everything up to that moment had prepared me to save the world from its greatest enemy.

From being a weak homeless girl, to being kidnapped, to receiving these powers; to fighting those who kidnapped others, to the times I was lost yet found my way through the darkness, to gaining hate towards the enemy I faced up against.

Everything led up to that moment. The amulet upon my neck and my powers to morph into animals were given to me for a reason. To save the world we knew from a benevolent group of people with mad science in their back pocket.

This was the whole point of everything that led up to my fate and purpose as to why I was the Striker.

My destiny was to save the entire world in one single battle.

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