Write On Me - OT5

Start from the beginning

The raven-haired girl nodded. "Uh, yeah, uh sure. Maybe."

The smaller girl grinned. "Great. I'll see you around," she promised, before running off in the direction of the library.


She meets Ally and Dinah the next day. She's tucked away in a corner of the student union, which is surprisingly empty for once, just wanting to drink her coffee, listen to music, and sketch a little bit before her next class.

She's startled by someone taking the seat next to her and completely intruding her personal space, instantly making her uncomfortable.

"Hey, babe, what do you say to me taking you out this Friday?" A gruff, masculine voice said. "Or even better, tonight."

"No, thanks," Lauren politely declined. She pushed him away, but he only leaned back in, this time wrapping an arm around her shoulder.

"Come on, babe, why not?"

"I don't want to, so don't call me that," the green eyed girl replied, pushing him away again. "If you could leave me alone, that would be great."

"What, you don't want a handsome guy like me?"

"I just don't want to," Lauren mumbled, shifting nervously in her seat from how close he was to her.

"The pretty girl said no, fuckboy," an unfamiliar voice spoke suddenly. "So why don't you just go back to your place and occupy your tiny dick by yourself."

The guy scowled, but stood up and walked away.

The stranger watched to make sure he left, then quickly took the seat across from Lauren. "Are you okay?" she asked softly, looking over Lauren with concerned, hazel eyes.

Lauren let out a nervous breath, from the encounter with the guy and also from the stunning blonde sitting across from her. Her long, blonde hair fell down her face in waves and she had a snapback on backwards (and shit, Lauren had a weakness for girls in snapbacks), and she was in black jeans and a white tshirt with a denim vest. It was such a simple outfit but fuck, Lauren's mouth was dry and she couldn't speak.

"Didn't your momma teach you staring is rude?" the blonde in front of her teased, smirking.

Lauren blushed, coughing nervously and looking down. "Sorry," she mumbled.

The stranger laughed heartily. "Don't be, I know I'm hella cute." She sent the green eyed girl a wink.

"Dinah, please don't harrass her, she's my favorite customer and I really don't want you to scare her off," another voice interrupted them.

Lauren looked over to see the small, blonde cashier from the coffee stand glaring at the girl in front of her, who she now knew as Dinah.

"Aww, come on Smalls, I'm just messing with her," Dinah whined, giving the smaller one a pout, and, yep, Lauren was officially a goner for this girl.

"Dinah Jane, leave her alone."

Dinah sighed, standing up. "Fine. Way to be a buzzkill, Ally," she grumbled as she walked back to the front of the student center.

Ally turned and gave Lauren an apologetic smile, and the green eyed girl thought that smile could light up a hundred rooms. "Sorry about her."

Lauren shook her head, breaking herself out of her stupor. "Um, no, it's okay. Really, she kind of saved me from some asshole," she explained quietly, fiddling with her pencil.

"Ah, yes, Dinah has no qualms about calling out fuckboys," Ally responded. "Want a refill before your next class?" she asked, pointing to Lauren's empty coffee cup.

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