Beneath the Factory

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The guard blinked. He then blinked again. "W-what?" He said.

Jason grabbed James's arm and hauled him out of the elevator. "Come on dude..." He said with a sigh. "Let's not bother people, okay?"

James nodded vigorously, practically vibrating in Jason's grasp. "Yes yes of course naturally yes so sorry but you know that noise could be fixed with a few simple tweaks if they would allow me access which is perhaps overzealous of me to think that they would but you know there is a chance and a chance often leads to great things not to say being given an opportunity to fix something is especially great well it is for me I simply loved to tinker as you know of course not saying you don't but-"

Jason flicked James in the head. James jumped and blinked, coming out of his rant. He coughed, his cheeks flushing, and sputtered, "But ah that can wait for another time I shall file it away and lock it up the thought shall be buried disposed of there all done I'll turn my mind to other matters apologies greatly sorry yes."

Audrey squeezed herself out of the elevator and Max slowly followed after him, looking like a hunchback for how much he was slumping. Jason let James go, satisfied his friend had gotten control of himself, and surveyed their surroundings as he approached the doors. Not much to see, save for his own reflection. He noted he looked a bit less shitty than when he had examined himself in Madeline's house. Still, he didn't look good either. His hair was messy, sticking out everything, dark circles had formed under his eyes, and his costume had clearly been put through the ringer. Jason traced a hand over the long cut across his spider emblem. Hopefully, he'd find a way to get the suit fixed. He didn't like seeing it struck him as wrong, somehow.

They reached the doors. The guards eyed them all. Laureen grinned at them and said, "So, do you guys like standing in the dark all day until someone shows up? Must be a real shitty job."

The guards didn't answer her, continuing to stare at them stone faced. Laureen sighed and rolled her eyes. "No sense of fucking humor. Sue me for trying to lighten the mood..." She pointed at the doors. "Can we go in?"

One guard nodded. He took out a card from his belt and flashed it in front of the doors. There was a loud click and the doors opened automatically. Jason watched as they opened, curious as to what was on the other side. He wondered if the GHOST site would look like the Metahuman Agency. He didn't know...didn't know if he could deal with that. Seeing a replica so soon after watching the place get torn apart, piece by piece? That...that seemed even more wrong. He felt his throat constrict, tightening in anticipation.

Thankfully, when the doors opened, the room beyond was considerably different. The floor slanted downward and desks were arranged at the sides. More people in black uniform were working away at computers. Jason could see what looked like bits of data and code on the computer screens, which he couldn't make heads or tails of. Others were speaking quietly into receievers or speaking with their fellow workers. A slight few desks even had mattresses arranged behind them, which were currently occupied by a few snoring people. At the bottom of the room was a huge digital map of the United States. Standing in front of the map was Beckett Axel, his hands clutching behind his back.

He turned around and looked up. "Ah," He said, adjusting his tie and beginning to walk up the slanted floor. "You've all finally arrived. Apologies for the late pickup but I'm sure one of our guards explained why that was the case."

A couple of workers glanced at the metahumans but barely showed any reaction and quickly returned to what they were doing. Laureen was first to move into the room and James scurried after her. Jason followed, the others not too far behind.

"Wow..." Hiroshi said in a hushed voice, his youthful face splitting into a wide grin as he surveyed the room. "It's not as big as the Agency was but it's still pretty cool! Reminds me a bit of the bridge on Star Trek."

The Metahuman Agency: The Superhuman WarTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon