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"Mia,I'm home." I heard mouse say. I came out from the bedroom and tackled him into a hug.

"Hi." I mumbled into his chest.

"Hi baby girl. You ok?" He asked stoking my head. I nodded my head into his chest. He picked me up and set me on the kitchen counter. "Did you eat dinner?"

"No...I was going to wait for you to get home." I said looking down.

"Let's do take out then. I'll talk to you about what's happening as we're waiting. Ok?" I nodded my head. We ordered Chinese and started talking.

"So,were expecting the shooter to be associated with the guy that held me at gun point." He said.

"So,they would be after me cause I stopped the man and got him arrested." I said.

"Right,so that's why we are putting you and the firehouse under police protection-"

"Mouse-" I said cutting him off,but he cut me right back off.

"Just until we catch these people. You,me even the firehouse isn't safe." He said.

"Fine." I mumbled. "This is all my fault. The firehouse wouldn't be in danger if I didn't do that,but if I didn't do that then you might be dead right now." I said as a lone tear escaped my eye.

"Hey,you did the right thing whether someone dies or not,and hopefully not." He said wiping the tear away.

"I know." I said as I watched him answer the door.

"Thank you have a nice night." Mouse said to the guy and brought the food into the kitchen.

After we ate we headed to bed.

The next morning mouse and I got ready for work as he drove me.

"Kim and Antonio will be at the firehouse...then they'll switch if every few hours,so someone will always be there and be there when you have a call." Greg said.

"I know...I just wish it'll be you there. Don't get me wrong I love the team it's just that I'll know that you're saw and all." I said looking out the window.

"Babe,I'm the tech guy...I'll always be safe. I'll call you every hour." He said patting my leg.

"Good." We soon arrived at the firehouse. He parked the car,and walked me up to the station.

Not to long later Kim and Roman showed up.

"Ok,I love you and if anything happens call me. I'm only 15 minuets away." He said.

"I will. Love you too be safe." I said giving him a kiss.

"Always." He said and went back to his car.

I watched him as he got into the car,and drive off. Kim and Roman walked in to talk to chief. This is going to be a long day. I know it.


I know I know. I'm sorry I haven't been updating. I'm now a freshman and doing a lot of after school stuff,and things on the weekend for school and the fire department I'm a part of. It's just all been stressful. Now I'm not ignoring you guys I've just been busy and all. I hope you guys understand,and everything. There is also new books I'm working on as well. I'm working on a youtuber one. So stay tuned. Byeeeee!

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