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Month 1

It's only been 1 month. One.Whole.Month. He left in the beginning of April. Now it's the beginning of May. It feels like forever that he's been gone. We video chat and call,but that's only when he's not busy. It's not the same. It won't be the same until he's is here in my arms,safe and sound.

It was hard adjusting at first. You know,being worried that someone you love is out fighting. That he could die at any moment,on any day,and at anytime.

I wake up screaming and crying from nightmares. Kelly started staying with me. All of those nightmares end up with Mouse dyeing.

Month 5

"Hey baby." Mouse said.

"Hi." I weakly say.

"Hey man." Kelly says. He's been staying at my house to make sure that I'm ok.

"You ok? And hey Kelly."He asked.

"Y-yeah. Just tired. How about you are you ok?" I asked.

"I'm still in one piece." He smiles,so do I.

"Just 3 months to go!!" I say happily. You could hear Kelly in the background going "whoop whoop!" We both chuckled.

"Ya. Hey I wa-" he started to say,but gunfire went off. "Baby. I have to go. I love you and I'll see you soon." He says and ends the call.

"Mouse? Mouse!" I yelled at my phone. Hoping he would hear me even though he won't.

I broke down. I dropped my phone and it hit the floor. I slid off the couch and hugged my knees. Kelly hurried and comforted me.

"It's ok. He's ok." Kelly said trying to soothe me.

"T-t-that's the s-s-second time that's h-happened." I managed to stutter out.

"It's ok Mia. It's ok. He's ok." I just kept bawling my eyes out. Why can't he just be home now. Kelly called someone. Not even 5 minutes later Gabby and Matt came.

"Hey,baby girl it's ok." Gabby said and hugged me.

"Mouse is strong and brave he'll make it through the next few months." Matt said.

All three people kept on trying to comfort me. I kept crying. I kept on telling myself 'pull it together. Be strong. He's fine' but I couldn't believe myself.

Last Day.

"Hey baby!!" I say excitedly. Sylvie and Dawson were jumping in the background out of joy.

"Hey hun!!" He replied.

"Last day. Then I get to see you tomorrow." I said.

"Y-yea about that." He said scratching the back of his neck. He only does that when he's nervous. Gabby and Brett stopped what they were doing.

"What's wrong?" I asked a bit worried.



Dun,dun,dunnnnn!!!! What shall happen next??? Keep reading and I hope that you're enjoying this book so far. If so please comment,vote,and share.

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