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Gregs pov.

Kelly was asleep. I was holding Mia's hand,but her hands started twitching.

"Dr. Halstead!" I yelled jogging out into the hall. I woke up Kelly and he ran to his sisters side.

"Greg what's going on?" Dr.Halstead asked.

"H-her hands are moving." I said. He jogged into the room.

"Come one Mia,wake up." Kelly said.

"That's what she's doing." Dr.Halstead said as we looked at him confused. "She's waking up." He added. Kelly and I started crying out of happiness. He pulled me into a hug as I hugged back.

All of a sudden Mia gasped for her air and her eyes shot opened...

Mia's pov.

I looked around the room to see Will,Kelly,and Greg looking at me.

"Guys.." I managed to croak out tears streaming down my face. Kelly and Greg engulfed me into a hug.

"Baby,thank god you're ok." He said kissing me.

"Sis,I-I thought I lost you."

"You're not getting rid of me so easily." I joked wiping away tears.

Through out the day people of 51 and 21 came and visited. Later in the night Greg was laying in bed with me,and neither of us could sleep.

"You know,I thought I lost you...forever." He said.

"Greg,you're never going to loose me. You know I could hear everything that you guys were saying of the past few days. When I heard Dr. Halstead say that's they we're going to pull the plug I started freaking out." I said.

"Really?" He asked looking at me.

"Yea,you know how people say that their life flashes before they're eyes?" I asked. He nodded. I looked over at him. "Well,that's what happened." I said.

"I'm glad you're here. I love you." He said.

"I love you too." I said. I kissed and and we both fell asleep.

After a week of tests and them monitoring me I was able to leave. It feels nice being able to go home. I also got an all clear to go back to work.

"Are you sure that you're ready to go back?" Greg asked for the millionth time.

"Greg,I promise you I'll be fine. Boden said that I can take it easy for a bit." I said wrapping my arms around him.

"I know. I almost lost you once,I don't want it to happen again." He said kissing my head.

"It won't I promise. That old lady o tried to save. She...uh she didn't make it. She hit her head really hard off the ground and has a brain bleed that they couldn't stop." I said a tear escaping my eye.

"Hey,you tried to save her. You did the best you could. Now we're going to be late for work." He said. He gave me one last kiss and we went to our separate cars.

I pulled up to the firehouse and grabbed my duffle bag. I walked into the common room and Herrman spotted me.

"Hey,hey,hey there she is." He said. I was greeted with hey,hi's,and how you feeling's.

Kelly came up behind me and threw me over his shoulder.

"Kelly!" I yelled. "Put me down." I said.

"Matt do you think I should put her down?" He asked him.

"Naw." He replied.

"Then you take her." Kelly said. I was then passed into Matt's arms.

"Hi Matt." I said.

"Hi Mia." He said.

"Can you please take me to the locker room,so I can put my bag away?" I asked.

"Yeah,sure." He said. He carried me to the locker room and set me on the bench.

"Thanks Matt." I said unzipping my duffle bag.

"Sure thing short fry." He said messing up my hair.

"You're only a foot taller." I said as he walked out.

I put my bag in my locker and looked at the pictures on the door. Me and Kelly,me and Greg,then me and the whole house.

"I can't believe I almost lost these people." I whispered. Soon I heard a ringing of a familiar phone that wasn't mine. I looked around and finally felt my pocket vibrated.

Oh,this is Greg's phone,so he must have mine.

"Heyyy,Greg." I said.

"Hi,babe,uh I need my phone for work,is there any way you can stop by and drop t off?" He asked .

"Let me ask and I'll text you."

"Ok,love ya."

"Love ya too,bye." I said hanging up. I walked to the commons to find Matt.

"Hey,Matt can we run down to intelligence?Mouse and I grabbed each other's phone,and he needs his." I said.

"Yeah,sure. 81 we're going for a ride!" He announced. Everyone part of truck got up and put they're gear on and got in the truck...

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