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Greg's pov

Its been two weeks since she's been in her coma. Dr,Halstead said that they're going to have to pull the plug by the end of the week. That's only 3 days away. I can't loose her. Why can't she just wake up?

I've refused to leave her side,so has Kelly. Voight understood. I haven't slept in a few days. I'm not going to sleep,not until she wakes up.

Mia's pov

I can hear things,I can feel things,but I can't move,talk,or see. What's happening. I remember hearing sirens,and voices. I heard Greg talking to me.

"Mia,baby you gotta wake you just have to. I can't loose not now not ever. You're my everything. My world,my sunshine,my oxygen. My reason to live,my reason to wake up everyday. Mia I can't wait to start my life with you. When we get married,when we bring children into this world,and when we grow old together. So don't leave me now. Wake up. Please."

Why can't I just open my eyes,and talk and see so that everyone can know that I'm okay!? I want to see Greg and Kelly,and all of 51.

I remember hearing Dr,Halstead telling Greg that they're pulling the plug on me soon. I'm not dead! I'm alive! But know one can hear me screaming right now.

Flash backs of what Greg and I went through,went through my head.

When we first met...

"Hey I'm here to tell you about the car."

"Ok." When he turned to me it was like my whole world stopped. I was mesmerized by his beautiful blue eyes.

"So...the...um...plate number is 1-68-54,and it was a blue ford."

"Ok got it thanks. And your name is?"

"Mia,and you are?"

"My name is Mouse."

"Well it's nice to meet you." Just then my radio goes off.

"Let's go candidate."

"Bye mouse."

"Bye Mia."

When he first asked me out...

"You me Molly's tonight,deal?" Mouse whispered in my ear.

"Deal." I said. I kissed his cheek as we left.

"Well,Mia I had fun."

"I did too. At least I'll be able to see you everyday."

"Now,that...that is true. I'll be able to see your beautiful face." He said. I could feel my face heating up.

"I'll see you mister tomorrow." I said. "Goodnight." I added and gave him a kiss on the cheek.

"Goodnight Mia." He said and and went the opposite direction.

The nerd {2} //finished//Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora