Chapter XIX

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Two days later, the girls had to leave to Japan. It was impossible for me and Yoon Gi to find workers, so the last thing we had to do was to close the restaurant. My brother and I considered this place a second home, we used to run around here when we were little.


3rd person's POV

"Yoon Gi! I'm gonna catch you!" Y/N was chasing Yoon Gi around the restaurant
"Kids, be careful! Don't bump into us, we are trying to serve people here!" Their mom was trying her best not to trip over them with the food in her hands.

"Y/N! I have your favourite toy!" Yoon Gi screamed after Y/N, she continued running after him and she finally caught him!

FlashBack ends

Y/N smiled while looking around the restaurant for the last time. People surrounded the building while whispering. Y/N placed the ,,for sale,, poster on the door.

"I will miss this place"She said with tears in her eyes.
Y/N got into her car. She drove home while listening to her Girlfriend's band, jamming to them. She finally arrived home, missing her Girlfriend and the restaurant. She will soon need to find a place to work.

Her mom was in the kitchen. She greeted Y/N , but Y/N ran straight to her room. She waited for her girlfriend to finish practice and text her..

Will You ? | Rose [ In process of rewriting ]Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora