And that is the last thought that I have before Benny breaks the door down, and I let myself fall into the sweet relief of unconsciousness.

+ + +

I wake up in a room that smells of medicine and death. Hospital, I think as I look around the room. All white, from the floors to the door. I notice that there are no windows in this tiny room. The white walls are also padded. So, it's official, I am crazy. Sady Wells has finally taken a trip to the bat shit crazy shack.

Behind the door, I hear murmurs of "She's awake.", "You go in.", "No, you."

I roll my eyes, because I mean I'm not that bad, and in a few seconds, a doctor is pushed, literally pushed, into my hospital room.

The door is clicked closed, and locked, so now it's just me and the doctor. The doctor has blonde hair and hazel eyes. He looks about twenty-five, and he is quite attractive.

The doctor clears his throat and I immediately look up at him. The color drains from his face. "Hello, Miss Wells." He says and forces a smile. I stare at him, not saying a thing, so he continues.

"I am Dr Norris." He says, forcing that smile as if his life depends on it. He probably thinks it does. After all, I am The Hairbrush Assassin, fear me.

This time I say something, because the poor man looks like he's going to piss himself. "Cool, doc." I say, with a nod. My voice is hoarse from lack of speaking. He sighs in relief and the color floods back into his face, giving him a warm glow. I instantly relax a bit as well.

Dr Norris starts to talk. "Alright, Miss Wells-"

"Sady." I interrupt him.

"Sady" He corrects himself. "You have an unusually large amount of fresh bruises, a few cuts and scrapes around your knees, but the main problem is the large gash on your left arm." He pauses to look at me.

Though, I don't notice because I am too busy staring at my left arm. I just now noticed the giant stich practically covering all of the skin on the arm. I see that the doctors were nice enough to make it black, and not that horrible brown color. The skin around the stitch is a sickly purple color, it is also terribly inflated. I would vomit, but I have no food in me right now.

The doctor notices my staring because he says, "Miss Wel... Sady." I look at him and he has a sympathetic look on his face. "It really isn't that bad. The inflammation of your left arm should go down in about three days or so. And the stitch will most likely come off in about two weeks. Would you like to schedule an appointment for two weeks from now?"

I nod, as I process this new information. So the swelling dies down in about three days and the godzilla stitch comes off in about two weeks. Cool, cool.

I watch as Dr Norris puts his clipboard down and sits cross-legged on the white floor. I can't help but stare. Usually, doctors don't do this.

Dr Norris notices my staring at him because he chuckles lightly. "Sady, have you never seen a doctor sit cross-legged on the floor of his patient's room?" He jokes. I decide that I like him.

"No, Dr Norris. As screwed up as that is, I have never seen a doctor sit cross-legged on the floor of his patient's room." I laugh.

The sound is almost foreign to my ears. I haven't laughed in about a week, ever since the whole... Bradley situation, and well, it feels good.

Then, suddenly, the feel good moment is gone. "So, Sady, you are being discharged now. Your brother already signed your discharge papers when he was here, so you can go at any time." He says, standing to his feet.

Benny! In all the excitement and wonder, I seem to have forgotten that it was Benny that brought me here. It was Benny that broke down that door. And Benny is probably the reason why I am here and alive in the first place.

"Thank you so much, Dr Norris." I say as I attempt to stand up. I am on my feet when I realize that I am not wearing the same bloody clothes from yesterday. Instead, I am wearing a black sweatshirt and grey skinny jeans. I don't even have time to think about who changed me at this point.

I limp, unsteadily, to the door. I am about to walk out when I turn around. "Oh, and Dr Norris," His head snaps in my direction.

"How long was I out for?" I ask him.

"Two days, Sady." He answers me.

"Thanks Doc, see you in two weeks." I call over my shoulder as I walk away.

"Take care, Sady, take care." I hear him murmur.

I smile lightly as I trudge away. The reception isn't busy, just a few kids and parents here and there. And your occasional bored-looking volunteer nurse. The white walls and medicinal smell carry on throughout the hospital building though.

I pull out my phone and dial Benny's number. He picks up on the fifth ring. I talk to him and after the "are you okay" and "how've you been", he agrees to pick me up.

I put my phone back in my pocket and continue walking. My legs are less stiff and easier to walk on now. I keep walking until I find a set of chairs to sit on. There is only one other person sitting on one of the chairs.

He isn't the tallest guy but he's definitely taller than me, with spiky blonde hair styled into a quiff. He wears a red t-shirt and black jeans, with black Converse. He also wears black aviators. Despite his somewhat threatening appearance, I sit next to him.

I tap him on his shoulder and he looks around in confusion until his eyes land on me. He smiles warmly. I smile back. He takes off his aviators and I'm mesmirized as I stare into the iciest yet the softest baby blue eyes, that I have ever seen in my whole life.

His eyes are captivating, and beautiful is too much of an understatement. Those eyes are absolutely something else. They're even better than.... never mind. Just from his eyes and smile you want to know this person better.

Wait. Bradley. The Vamps. His height. His clothing style. His eyes. I think I know who this person is...

My suspicions are confirmed when he says, "Hey, I'm Connor. What's your name?"

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