"Where am I, a forest? Oh shit... copy cat killer. Fun. You won't get away with this" he says. I turn on my voice changer to a lower voice.

"Hello Ravi" I say.

"What?! How do you know my name?" He shouts. I shush him and put something over his face that covers everything on his head except his eyes. It will make him quiet but we can still hear him scream. I remove his clothes but leave him his underwear. I look over at Jimin who is holding onto Jin. I pick up the cane and without hesitation I hit him with it, right in the ribs. I hear them gasp. I hit him again and again and again, I start laughing as hit him with the cane. Out of the corner of my eye I can see them looking at me weird. I stop laughing and put the cane down.

"Is that it, I can handle more pain!" He shouts.

"Really, is that so. Let's test that" I say as I whip him. He screams as I hit him. I begin laughing again at his screaming. I feel a hand on my shoulder so I stop and turn around. It's Jimin. He takes my hand and leads me a distance away where they won't hear us talking.

"Yoongi... why were you laughing? Were you enjoying it? Tell me!" He says as he takes his mask off. I take mine off and press my lips against his then kiss his forehead.

"Don't worry Jimin, this isn't the worst I can do and because your here and my friends are here I won't do that but what you will see is something really horrible. You can leave if you want" I say putting my hand on his stomach. His looks down and holds my hand.

"As much as I want to leave, I am going to stay" he says. I nod and put my mask back on. As I walk back I can see his body dripping blood.

"I'm back!" I say. I pick up a butcher knife and put a wooden stool under his feet. I drag the blade along his toes and he braces himself for his toes to be cut off. I make a deep cut on his leg making him scream. I smirk under the mask. I take a smaller knife and carve his name into his arm. I can feel blood soaking into my clothes, it feels nice. He closes his eyes and waits for the thing but passes out. I lead them to where Jimin and I were talking before. We take off our masks and they all look at me.

"If you want I can stop and kill him when he wakes up again or I can keep going"  I say.

"I kinda would like you to finish up, we all discussed this when Jimin went to talk to you" Namjoon says.

"I will just do two things and that will be it. Maybe three things" I say.

"Like what?" Beakhyun asks.

"Take away what he holds most dear" I say.

"And what is that?"

"His eyesight. It will kill him. That's it" I say.

"Hello?" Ravi calls out. We put our masks back on and go back.

I clip something onto his head cover that will keep his eyes open as I cut them. I take the tip of the blade and make an X in one eye. He screams loudly and begs for me to stop. I take off the clip and close his eye. I then carve another X onto the lid of his eye. I move to his other eye and press my thumb into it. He bleeds and it runs down my arm. I take knife again and stab him in the eye. I made sure my finger print wouldn't be there when the police find the body. I step back and look at his blood and cut covered body.

A burst of anger fills me making me wish I had done more to him. I kick the stool over in anger. I pick up the butcher knife and throw it into a tree. I yell/scream and stab another tree.

"Yoongi!" I hear Jimin yell. I ignore and him and throw my jacket into the dirt. I rip my shirt and throw that into the ground as well. I collapse and cry into the bloody shirt. Memories of him and I as a kid being the friends we were rush through my head.

"Yoongi...?" Jimins says as he put his hand on my scar filled back.

"We used to be best friends! Now he's dead. I killed him. Jimin...I shouldn't have killed him" I sob. He wraps me in his arms as I sob making his shirt wet. The other come to comfort me but are mostly wanting to look at my back because as the comfort me I can feel them tracing some of the scars. I push them off and get up.

"I need to hide the body" I say grabbing the body back and putting gloves on. They watch me take care of the body and the area. I put his body back on the wagon and pull him back to the house.  Everyone cleans themselves of what little blood might've got on them.

"Come back tomorrow to see how I hide the body, I will text you when to come but don't expect a text. I might not send on tomorrow." I say. I go to my bathroom and take off my clothes and lay in the water in the dark. Jimin comes in next to the tub.

"I want to hold you. Will you join me" I say. He nods and takes off his clothes. He lays on top me and I wrap my arms around him and rest my hands on his stomach. He rests his head on my shoulder and closes his eyes. I look at his face and think of all the things he saw today.

"You still didn't answer my question" he says.

"What was it?" I ask.

"Why were you laughing when you were beating him" he asks.

"I was doing what he did when he was beating me" I say.

"But I thought you were best friends"

"We were, then in high school he turned on me" I say. He doesn't say anything else.

*Jimin POV*
I like being here with him but seeing what he did today makes me feel different. I think I might go out tomorrow and visit some friends to get it off my mind. The first time I saw him, was also the first time we met, has never left me but I learned to live with it. I feel myself getting tired but I don't try to fight it. I fall asleep in his arms.


I'm back in the butcher shop but this time I'm the victim. I see Yoongi sitting and cutting his wrists.

"Hi, how do you feel, cold... scared...helpless" he says as he drags his knife across my stomach.

"Wait no....I'm pregnant... with your kid!" I say, I am not me... I am the first victim.

"We never fucked, that deserves punishment" he says as he cuts my legs leaving them bloody and ruined. He cuts me more and I pass out.

I wake up thinking I'm alone I start crying. A boy with orange hair enter the room and stares at me.

"Help me please. The person who did this his name Min Yo-" im dead.

I jolt and wake myself and Yoongi up.

"I need to go out, I can't be here right now" I say and get out of tub. Yoongi gets out after me. We both put clothes on and I try to leave but he grabs my wirst and tightens his grip.

"Your hurting me" I say and he lets go. I turn around and open the bedroom door but he grabs my shoulders, spins me around, and slams me into the wall.

"Jimin..." he says as he tries to kiss me. I push him off me and run out the door and down the stairs.

"Jimin! I'm sorry!" He shouts but I ignore him. I walk fast down the street not knowing where I am going but I end up at Jin's house. I pound on the door. Namjoon answers wearing no shirt.

"May I please come in" I ask. He looks back at Jin who is also shirtless.

"Oh, I'm sorry I will go to another house" I say and start to turn around.

"No. Jimin come in" Jin says as he puts his shirt back on. I go inside and sit down on the couch.

"I don't mean to be rude but, can I stay here tonight. I don't feel comfortable at home" I ask.

"Of course Jimin" Jin says.

*Yoongi POV*

I grab a bottle of vodka and take a sip. I begin to cry and drink again. I don't want to start this habit again. I walk up to my bathroom with my vodka and begin to cut my legs. Blood drips down my legs and I sit there drinking. I throw my razor out of the bathroom and the rest I don't remember.

In Love With a Killer (Jimin x Yoongi)Where stories live. Discover now