"Who are you?"

"His girlfriend."

"Girlfriend?" She snickers, "Don't remember seeing you around him before. Ming and I dated a long ti..."

"3 weeks."

"Umm....dear". Ming tries to interject; I turn my head and tell him to shut up.

"Who the hell do you think you are? I know my Ming."

"No bitch, my Ming. You're done, he's dating me now"

"As if he'd date someone like you, go on a diet you fat cow"

"No need, my boyfriend likes me this way."

"What's there to like, you look like a slut. Bet you have a nightly rate."

"3.5 million, after you Ming's happy to pay. Train your skills better, shows how lacking you are." Take that bitch, I know things haha.

She actually screeched and lunged at me, I moved in time to avoid her, she tripped on my foot and fell into the chairs.

P'Pha and P'Forth moved to help her, but a cold glare form me made them move back. Standing in front of her, while she was still on the floor, I glared down at her.

"I'm done with you and all this shit, you listen up. I see you anywhere near Ming again or try to cause trouble for him; I'm calling your headmistress. Unlike you, I have proof. I have pictures of you going into a hotel with that guy, and a recording of you confessing everything about going after Ming. We both know what your religious mother would do if she found out. And if you still piss me off I'll post them on your university board. We are done. Understand?"

She actually looked scared. She had no idea I had these things. I love my new friends.

I grabbed my purse, took out my phone and played the video for her. Seeing it, she looked ready to faint.

"You mess with my people; I'll show you what a real bitch is. Understand?" I repeated voice colder and harsher.

She shook her head yes. I'm glad she understands, because I wasn't beyond telling her teachers. My Fairy Angels were right, sometimes talking alone doesn't work.

I walked to P'Ken. He actually took a step back when I stopped in front of him. He wasn't sacred of Ming or the seniors, but little me. Hey, I'm not short! Shut up head!

"You're a total disappointment P'Ken I thought you were a good guy, how could someone smart like you do that to your cousin?"

"Dear." I turned and told Ming to shut it again.

"You do anything, and I mean anything, I'm calling Ming's mother." I told P'Ken.

He actually went pale. Mothers are scary people, but they rule.


He shook his head immediately. He should be scared; Ming's family helped his financially, a lot. And I think Ming's dad was paying for not just P'Ken but his older brothers schooling as well. How could he think if this stupidity had gone on the parents wouldn't find out?

"Please leave, you're disturbing our party. And take that harpy with you."

He helped the harpy and they all left. Good thing his friends didn't do anything, I think they understood the situation better then P'Ken.

Ok that weirdo guy was defiantly giving me long looks, its giving me the creeps now; he gave me another long stare before leaving. Take no for an answer man!

Can't I have one sane normal night? I'm a guy I want to drink as well, why is everyone against me?


"What?" I snapped.

Ming handed me a drink, I downed it in one go, I was getting good at that. I was so pissed off right now.

"Want another?"

"No. I want to go to bed, put my feet up and read manga. Stop buying me heels, my feet hurt, ever heard of sandals?"

"Yes dear."

"Were leaving."

I actually flipped my hair, and walked of, waiting for Ming to catch up.

"Nong, break up with N'Ming and marry me, I loveee youu."

OMG P'Bright. The seniors. The Engineering lot. OMG P'Pha. There all there...

Universe I.......forget it.

I take out my phone and google the nearest bridge.

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