८Һคƿ੮૯Ր 5: Abort Abort This Isn't What I Thought Was Going To Happen:

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Chapter 5:


Pain, is all I felt that shot throughout my body as I panted. I have been running nonstop, my legs felt like jelly that wanted to give out.

The rain pelting at my back, which wasn't helping either, it was making the mud sloshy and making me slow down.

I have to keep going, my legs pupped harder and my internal cheer.

"Keep going you can get away, run and don't look back, don't ever look back."

I hear growls behind me, I nearly cry out in dismay. Oh no! They are gaining on me.

2 hours before:

"Do you wanna dance under the moonlight, hug and kiss all the through the night oh baby!"

I spin, then glide into a plea then turning into a kick in the air spinning while jumping into a split leap.

Pouring my whole body and emotions throughout the dance piece. The music taking over my body as it glides me through the movements. As the song starts to fade I slowly walk to the front with a grin etched on my face.

I let out a breathe that I was holding thought the performance. I wiped the sweat buds that clouded my forehead. I found this gym a few hours ago when I was 'looking around,' okay what I really mean is finding an escape route. It's really weird I never came across any windows either.

But, least one good thing came out of this kidnapping thing I'm getting an awesome dance studio.

Your probably wondering where I got music from, well... I kinda stole it from Ash, AKA Mr Kidnapper. To be honest I don't think he needs the iPod, when I flickered though the music I nearly passed out when I saw "Do you want to dance, by Bette Midler." It is such a compelling song.

I flickered though the songs again to freeze at a memorable song.

"She walks to school with a lunchypack," I walked in straight line then went into a soft plea, kicking my leg up into a spin, then to a jazz split. As the music got faster I jump into a split jump and ended it with a fall to the ground.

Loud clasps echo the room, I swish around giving me whiplash in the process. I see Ash standing their wearing a cheesy grin.

"Wow! That was breathe taking both of them dancers." I just stared in shock. "You saw both," I ask in bafflement.

"It was amazing." I blushed "thank you." He put his hand out waiting for me to grab it, so that's what I did.

"Have you done Tango before?" he whispers seductivly.

"Yes, in grade 10," I ask in confusion. He grabs the iPod out of my hands and puts on an upbeat song.

He walks towards me and pulls me flush against his hard chest.

( This is the link for the dance, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YSYhRavTLKM )

Throughout the dance it felt like we were the only people in the world, it was like everything else blurred out except for us.

The song finishes and I lock on his piercing eyes. He moves incredibly closer, but a cheer comes from the left, that kicks me out of my trance. Their is gobsmacked Travis, Nick, Jace and Dakota.

"Wow, that was just wow," Dakota breaks the silence.

Ash and I exchange grins.

"Since when were you into dancing," Nick states.

"Um... Since I was 5 years old, I didn't go into competitions I wasn't that good. Plus you haven't gotten to know me." I say matter-of-factly.

They all just stand their in silence, exchanging shocked looks. I clear my throat, "Okay, stop with the awkward stares. Who's hungry?" I yell. "We are!" Nick hoots. I just giggle, I feel a burning stare from my side, I look to my right to see Ash looking at me with mixed emotions swirling through his eyes.

We all walk down the hall into the kitchen, I grab a packet of noodles, diced tomatoes with herbs.

"Whatcha cooking." Travis asks. "Ravioli," he just stares at me in shock. "What!" I yell getting uncomfortable. "Well.. Ashton loves Ravioli." I just laugh. "Are you kidding," I giggle. "Nope." He pops the P. Jace, Nick, Ashton and Dakota all sit on the bench stools. "He isn't kidding cupcake, I'm addicted." He smile, his dimples coming out. I nearly pass out in a ball of mush, from his dimples I'm a sucker for dimples.

"So, I was looking for everyone at Breakfast where were you all?" I asked curiously.

They all looked at each other, like they had a massive secret. "Well, we all went to work." Ash says cooly, even though I could see through his lie, whatever!


"Guys the Ravioli is finished." "Okay." They chanted from the living room.

We grab our food and sat on the lounge. I say next to Dakota, I really need to get out of here I'm getting to attached, like how could that happen they kidnapped me! "Cynthia are you okay?" Dakota asked looking worried. "Yeah, I'm cool just in deep though, where's the toilet." I laugh at my awkwardness.

"Down the hall to the right then up the stairs, on your left." She says grinning at me at my confused look.

"Thanks," I get up from my position on the lounge looking at the boys that are engaged with the tv-show they are watching. I walk up the stairs, and stop. Okay did she say the left or right. I look at the both mahogany doors, on the left had a "Do Not Enter," sign like really, that's the most tempting thing ever. I walk slowly towards the door, grabbing the doorknob and twisting it.

I gasps at what I see, weapons were covered throughout the room. I walked toward the glass casing to see throwing knifes that had an infinity sign on the grip. I stepped back in horror seeing blood stained on the blade. I step back in fear running straight to the right, where I was engulfed into a mint green bathroom. I squealed with glee as I saw a window that could squeeze my body though, I locked the door and looked though the window to see a metre jump, I squinted more to see a forest in the clearing. Okay, I got this I breathed out. "Cynthia are you okay in there?" I heard a panic voice cut through my thoughts. The panic clouds my mind, they are not going to kill me.

I figured out their sick, twisted game they did this for fun, they befriend the victim and kill them in the end, what a sick joke. I jump out the window in a heap, I curse at the pain that shoots through my ankle.

"Cynthia come back," Dakota yells in desperation.

"I'm getting the hell out of here." I scream in anger I sprint into a run, not looking back.

A/N: Hey my lovlies, thank you so much 1K on my MTLSIASA story. I would have never dreamed of getting that far with any of this. Here is my new chappie, I'm sorry I had to do these dances it showed a little bit of my personality and Cynthia's. Plus, its sexy a guy can dance just saying.

Here's an early update for Christmas, cause I'm going to be really busy on Christmas. So Merry Christmas, hope you have all have a sexy Christmas. ;)

Comment, Vote, Share. Do whatever, just enjoy.

-Maddi xx

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