८Һคƿ੮૯Ր 8: Why am I not suprised.

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My jaw dropped at the person I saw, "Milo!" I screamed. I pressed the heels of my hands into my eyes until I saw nothing, but sparkles. I tried to sit down, but it was more like a stumble and fall that left me in a trembling heap on the cold sidewalk.

"Hey, sis." He says, rubbing his neck.

"Of course, I'm not suprised." I say sarcasticaslly, throwing my arms in the air. Putting my head in my hands, sighing from exhaustion.

"Wait, your not freaking out. Cause the last time I checked you were a bit of a drama queen." He smirked. I raised my eyebrow in shock, "Excuse me, I'm not a drama queen." I punch him in the arm.

"Ow! That hurt." He whines clutching his arm. "Stop, being a baby." I laugh mockingly, my smile vanishes as my mind flashes back to the men with fangs. "What were they?" I say disturbed at the memory.

He sighs, "I knew you would ask, they are rogue vampires." scratching his neck. "Would I have died if they 'drank' out of me," a shiver racks my body. He pauses before he replies, "Yes," he whispers. I suck in a breath.

He gestures to me,"Come here." I ran into his arms, ingulfed by his warm body. "It's alright hunny, I'm here now." He pats my back in a soothing gesture, putting his chin on my head.

"Thank god, if your friend didn't call me. I-II-I-i-i don't even know." I looked up into his blue eyes sadness filled them, "Really? She called you?" "Yes, she did." I squeezed him. "Where have you been? What happened?" he whispers, his voice cracking.

"I was walking home from getting ice cream," he rolls his eyes. "Then, I got lost, then I saw these guys who were having an argument. My phone went off, notifying the men I was there. I ended up getting captured and I just recently escaped and here I am, his name was Ashton. He is a werewolf just as yourself."

The disbelief that crossed Milo's face, shocked me. "Oh, what a freaking coincidence." I didn't catch the rest of his sentence cause he mumbled it under his breath. I looked up into his eyes and placed a hand on his shoulder. "What's the matter?" I ask him. He gazed into my eyes, which were glazy. He shook his head getting rid of his thoughts.

"I was on my way to see him," he cringes as the words pass his lips. "Did I hear that correctly, please tell me you don't kidnap harmless girls?" He laughs, "What are you talking about? Why would I kidnap girls, they come running to me." I reply with a scoff.

"Totally like the time, I won a bet of how many numbers we could get. Every time you would sprout your shitty pickup lines." I laugh in fit. He glares at me and I cough, trying to cover my laughing fit up. He rolls his eyes, he looks at me in wonder.

"His not as bad as you think he is?" "Really! he kidnapped me how can he be better than I think?"

"Do you feel a spark even a connection. Did you feel comfortable around even though your brain was telling you no, because of the kidnapping?" I pondered on the thought.

"It's because of the mate thing, isn't it?" He looks at me in confusion, "Wait! you know about that?" "Yeah, I found a little house in the forest and it had books on mates." rubbing me neck anxiously.

"Oh! yeah it is to do with the mate bond, do you want to go back to him?" I pick at my nails, trying to come up with a answer.

"I do, but please don't take me back tonight I just can't take the stress, I want to sleep, I want to hang out with you and then we can go to Ash. I just...." I couldn't spit out the words.

He pulls me into another bone crushing hug, "I know what you are saying, we can stay in a hotel and I will tell Ashton I have a situation with my sister." "Okay." I whisper quietly.

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