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Chapter 3:

Ashton's Pov:

"You lost to a girl, that's just sad dude."
"Shut up dumbass," I hear cussing from the game's room. Where I'm going to see my beautiful mate again.

"What is with all the noise," I yell, everyone cringes except for the petite girl. Since last night I haven't gotten her out of my head. Her sexy hour-glass figure and her angel- like voice clouded my sleepless mind.

Bloody mate bonds, but if I didn't actually have one, a part of me wouldn't be complete without her.

"Nick got beaten in Far Cry 3," Travis States-matter-of-factly. I just stare in disbelief.

Jace stifles a laugh.

"Really by who?"

"Cynthia." Jace comments.

"Wait, who" I asked in confusion.

"Me you idiot, god you should know you kidnapped me," she says with a sarcastic smile. Pride seeps through my skin and my wolf growls in delight looking at my wonderful mate.

. . .

Cynthia's Pov:

"Hand over the money," I put my hand out. "Fine here you go, I just went easy on you," he grumbles. "Whatever five games later, I am still whooping your ass," I smirk in victory. "Dude do you need some ice for that burn?" Jace says with a smirk. "Anyways Jace where's my money dude," I emphasize the dude. "Fine whatever, shorty." He mutters. "Excuse me! I am not short," I burst out. "Sorry to break it to you girlie, you are pretty short," Travis puts in.

"Nick you can't talk you got owned by a girl in a game," Jace says and a smirk creeps on my lips.

Take that jerk!

"Who's side are you on anyway?" he says in faking hurt, with a pout.

They stay quiet. "For a short thing, you sure are fiery," Ashton says with a deep raspy chuckle.

Realising why I was in this room.

"Ashton, this douche over here said you wanted to see me?" I said biting my lip trying not to burst out laughing at my choice of words. "Hey! I am not a douche, that hurts my feelings you meanie!" Travis fakes a pout. "Yeah you are actually," I poked my tongue out, okay shoot me I'm immature who cares. As I look back at Ashton looking at us with amusment dancing in his eyes. "What did I ever do to you, meanie," He says with a pout.

"You seriously can't remeber like twenty minutes ago when you went against me, you evil villain."

"Okay if your finished with your converstion sweet-cheeks, I would like you to come to my office and speak to you privately." I shrugged, "Okay, I have a bone to pick with you too," I mutter in annoyance, he's making me leave the people that make me laugh and go with his serious ass.

"See you annoying twats later, remember the bet Nick you owe me punk." I winked.

I heard a growl rip through the room and whip my head sidewards to find the source 'nothing,' I am seriously going crazy.

Shaking my head, heading straight towards the door where Ashton disappeared behinde.

. . .

"Oh crap, where the hell did he go," I mumbled slightly aggitated. Like come on, he was a couple of steps in front of me. Damn this freaking house it is huge! that doesn't help either.

"Ashton where the hell are you," I yell as it echo's down the hallway. "Calm your farm, I am here." I hear a familiar silky voice behind me, I whip my head to the source."Please tell me you weren't following me all that time," I say with a groan.

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