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Nico looked around the alleyway that he had collapsed in. The hellhounds that had attacked him left too many cuts, scratches, and bites. Yes, Nico had killed them all, but they had left enough damage to leave him bleeding out.

"Will..." He mumbles, pulling out his phone that had been a present from the Athena, Hephaestus, and Hectate kids.

He clicks on Will's number.

"Hey Sunshine." Nico says into the phone, acting as if he isn't hurt.

"Hey Darlin' how was your day? You'll be home soon, right?"

Nico pauses, "My day was good, and yeah I'll be home soon." It was a half truth, his father's realm was one of his homes.

"Well then why did you call? Not that I mind of course."

"I just..." Nico brings the phone away as he winces in pain from the blood now trickling from his stomach. "You know that I love you, right Will? That I love the way you light up in the sunlight and curl up next to me for warmth -even though I'm not warm- in the winter. I love the way your eyes glow when you talk about something you love. I... I just love you, ok?"

There is a pause on the other end. "I love you too Nico, but why the suddeness of this? Are you ok?"

Nico doesn't want to lie to his boyfriend, "No. I'm sorry Will, but I let the hellhounds get to me. I'm dying."

"Nico... I love you so much."

"I love you too."

In a desperate attempt to save his boyfriend's life as he tries to get to him with healing supplies, Will sings a song quietly.

"Light shines in the darkness,

Two of the many people sing,

They laugh and heal,

With no other appeal,

Then to keep their bond strong."

Will listens for breathing on the other end. "Nico?"

It's too late. He's gone.

When Will reaches the alleyway, he's in tears. He gently moves Nico's head into his lap and strokes his hair.

"I love you." Will cries, "I loved everything about you. You were brave and strong as you tried to keep me safe. I loved the way you let me cuddle up to you in the winter when I couldn't deal with the cold - then you would wrap us in a blanket burrito as we cuddled. I loved when you smiled and laughed. I loved you so much... why did fate have to take you away from me?"

Hey Cakes,
This is some solangelo oneshots that I will be updating every once in awhile. Since 'A Switch Of Twins' is almost done and I don't have ideas for another solangelo book after that, I thought I'd do this.

Prepare for sad ones, because why not? I like making readers cry. >=)

Anyways Cakes,

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