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We graduated yesterday. Nico, Will, and I had gotten our highschool diplomas. For me, it was one of those moments you never expected to see... I mean my favorite ship now got to live their life together!

But... where does that leave me?

Of course, according to Will, there's the "obvious" next step for someone like me-- a very smart individual who is really good at coding and "research"-- college.

But, I had done that already, and I don't think I could go through more homophobic schools on purpose. Sure, times were moving forward, but I still didn't want to deal with them just yet. I would only do it for another protection quest from the council.

This one had taken a toll on me, sure, but I had liked this one. It took me back home for a moment, and I was genuinely protecting an old friend and his soulmate.

There was just one problem: when a quest was done I was usually summoned right back to the counsel. I was constantly on edge now-- watching my secret camera feed on Nico and Will to see what could be wrong, but I didn't spot anything abnormal.


"Cakey!" Will tackles me in a hug only moments after opening the door to his and Nico's appartment.

"Hi Will! What's Neeks making for dinner?" Will was used to my antics of knowing exactly where the two of them were all the time... even if he was still a bit creeped out by it.

"He's making some pasta dish I can't remember the name of..."

"Tonnarelli Cacio e Pepe!" The very distict accent of Nico's Italian pronunciation called to the two of us as I stepped inside.

Normally, I don't like pasta. However, a small bit wouldn't kill me for the polieteness... and Nico knew I was coming so he provided garlic bread.

"So... y'all seem to be doing well only a month out of graduation." Good plan. Keep the conversation light while you try and mine their brains for why the hell you haven't disappeared yet.

"Yeah! Nico's family helped a bit, but I have been working as a secretary at the local pediatrician, and Nico signed up to work with kids at the local summer camp!"

"Awww!" My little fangirl heart might as well burst from the thought of the two of them with kids... especially Mr. 'Darkness-and-totally-the-ghost-king' over there working at the stove. "You two are so cute! Working with kids... hoping to have your own some day?" I playfully wiggle my eyebrows at Will while I pull out my pocket knife discretely.

He blushes and I quickly pull it out and point it under his neck, "you better not defile that child you heathen!"

Will scoffs and starts sputtering while Nico and I laugh at his red face.

"Dinner is served," Nico places the pasta in the middle of the table and then hands me a tray of garlic bread. "Specially poisioned: just for you!"

"How kind!" I rip off a piece of the first slice of bread and toss it into my mouth. "Jus' 'he wa' I 'ike it!"

Nico sits down next to Will, my camera is already in my hand as I snap a few pictures of the two lovebirds.

We talk for awhile over the dinner. The pasta was... not great, but that's more a testament to my tastebuds than Nico's cooking since the garlic bread was delicious.

The pasta wasn't the only problem though, the stupid computer in my brain wasn't giving me any useful diagnostics for the two that would indicate any trouble that I wouldn't have already seen.

This is why I don't like protection quests.

I took a few quick minutes while the lovebirds were cleaning up after dinner to make sure their security system I had secretly installed was still working, and they hardly noticed the 50 pictures I took of their domestic love.

It was sweet, but with my mission done I was really starting to miss my time and my partner.

Hi Cakes!

This is actually a snippet of a spin-off book I am writing!! If you know of ancient-mango's "Sunshine and Blanket Burritos" then you will recognize this style! I am writing the way I am potrayed there, mimicing the same style, but slightly more true to me with many changes. The story focuses a bit more on the character Cakey (thus why it's a spin off not a sequel), but it includes a lot of Solangelo. This is like a good two thirds of the first chapter, and I have three chapters out so far. I posted it originally a year ago, but I have edited it and am working on the next part to fit the new little story.

If you like this snippet, please go check out the other story to see what Cakey and Solangelo get up to!!

Anyways Cakes,

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