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Felix's POV

I could not believe it. I had done it. I watched as everyone applauded and congratulated Cindy and me. I turned to face Cindy and I was disappointed in myself, the shock of the announcement still evident on her face. I watched her accept all the well wishes but I knew that deep inside my heart that she would be furious with me.

I sat down and immediately my mother stood up from her chair, smiling down at everyone at the dinner table.

"I'd be lying if I said I knew of my son's announcement, but again I have to say that I'm proud of the grown man you've become Felix. Your father and I can't wait to welcome Cindy into the Martini family" my mother cheered again.

There was another wave of applaud as everyone continued to eat, Cindy still would not speak to me. Dessert arrived and she did not even touch her chocolate mousse, with strawberry centered ice cream.

After the dessert, the live band began to play soft music. I took Cindy by the hand and together we made our way to the dance floor dancing in each other's arms.

"Why did you do that?"

"You did not believe that nothing was going on between me and Sharon and that I was forever through with her".

"That did not give you the right to go ahead and say such things, and in front of people!"

"Lower your voice, we're supposed to be engaged and not engaged and grumpy"

From the corner of my eye, I saw my mother coming towards Cindy and myself and immediately I felt tense.

"My mom's coming our way" I signaled Cindy.

"Good. I guess I'll have to tell her the truth that we're not engaged in the least"

"Okay" I agreed with Cindy.

"Okay? Why aren't you upset?" She asked me.

"But you're right; we shouldn't be lying to my mother. So when she comes over you will tell her the truth"

"Good" Unease settled on her face as she continued to dance with me.

"But it will be sad, because earlier you looked into her face and you lied to her that you are my partner"

"I did no such thing!"

"You're raising your voice again. You might not have said that you are my partner but you went along with me anyways. My mother was so happy but now the poor woman would be so heartbroken"

She stared at me with a disbelief look clouding my face and I knew I had her just where I wanted her.

"Oh so now it's my fault and I guess you being the rich spoilt brat gives you an easy pass?"

"Keep quiet and act cool"

"Oh and now you're bossing me around, that's just great. You know you should really be—"

"My mother is making her way towards us, so if I were you I'd act cool"

As I danced with Cindy, I could feel her hands shaking; clearly, the thought of my mother coming towards her was not so pleasing.

Cindy's POV

"I hope I'm not interrupting you Felix, my son but can I please have my future daughter in-law"

I turned around and Felix's mother was smiling at me. I smiled back at her, trying my best not to make it look nervous.

"Sure mom, you can have some quality time with your daughter in-law" Felix agreed to his mother's request.

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