Chapter two

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2. Mute


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"I need to stop,"

I whispered to myself, as I clicked 'next episode'.

So far I already watched up to episode 12, in '13 reasons why' I just needed one mor-

My thoughts where cut off as my phone started to ring. Picking up my phone and checking the ID name, which read 'Dad'. I answered.

"Hey Dad," I said, while throwing the blankets of me and grabbing my now empty bowl of popcorn as I stood, to walk to the kitchen.

"Hey sweetheart, how was your day?" He said, I heard scoffs in the background.

"Uhh, it was fine dad, cool. And yours?" I said, while putting my phone on speaker and placing it onto the counter so I could wash the dishes.

"It was good pumpkin, anyway I was about to ask you, if you could fetch the bo-" but he was cut off as I soon started hearing yelling in the background and sudden gun shots.

"DAD!" I screamed, as I quickly grabbed my phone and put it towards my ear, "Daddy, what's happening? Are you okay?" I asked, shaking.

"Listen, sweetheart, it's nothing Marcus just has the t.v on loud." He said, although his voice sounded tense.

Not really believing him, I decided to let it slide. Since my father is known for having a high temper, when we ask too many questions.

"Okay daddy, I'll let you get back to your work, I'll  go pick up the twins now." I said, wanting to end the call.

"Thanks pumpkin, will see you tonight." He said, then cut the call.

Still a little shaken up after the whole gun shooting incident, that I just heard. I decided to go pick up the twins.

Walking out of the house, I quickly jumped into my car, and headed off to go fetch the twins. While driving my favorite song came on, 'Fetish' by Selena Gomez, started booming into my car speakers and I quickly turned up the volume.

Take it or leave it

Baby take it our leave it

'Cause I know that you need it

Unh, look in the mirror

Singing along as I mouthed the words I looked into my mirror and adjusted it.

'When I look in the mirror.' I sang, as I winked at my reflection.

Baby I see it clearer

Why you wanna be nearer

Turning into the boys school, I parked the car at the pick up zone and turned up the music.

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