chapter seventeen // broken

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Rose's POV:

My ears are ringing and my eyes are wide open, shocked both from what I was just about to do and the terrorizing explosion sounding around in the maze of dark halls. I only just realize that I am no longer seated on the bench, but being dragged out of the massive room by a stummbling Carl. Seconds after we exit the doorway Carl collapses, pulling me down with him. The sudden fall snaps me out of my dazed state. The ringing in my ears stops and aside from Carl's groans of pain, all else is silent.

Still on the ground, I look to my right to see Carl squeezing his eyes shut in pain and clutching his wounded torso. Out of fear that something bad could happen if we stay put, I push myself up and do my best to gently help him stand with me.

Once we are both standing, I wrap my arms around his chest and he puts his on my shoulders. Our foreheads are pressed together and he is breathing heavily.

"Hey," I say in a soft voice. "We can go see what's going on. Just rest for a moment."

He nods and after a moment of getting his breath back to normal, he speaks. "Okay,"

Pulling my forehead away from his, I wrap my right arm around his back and he places his left arm on top of my shoulders. We begin making our way to the cell block, half running half limping.

Finally, when we turn a corner, a stream of light spreads through the short hall and the cell block doorway is in front of us. We walk through it just in time to see Daryl running towards us, his face a mixture of emotions, and Callie trailing right behind him.

"What happened? What was that explosion?" I ask frantically, having the faintest clue onto what could be the cause of the sound.

Instead of the explaination I was hoping for, Daryl says, "Pack a bag each. Some weapons. And run."

"Dar-" I start, but he is already running in the opposite direction, dragging a confused Callie with him. "What was that about?" I ask Carl, even though I know he is as clueless as I am.

He shrugs, then winces slightly in pain. "I don't know. Let's just do what he said then go outside."

I nod and we continue walking. When we reach the metal staircase, I stop walking and turn my head to Carl.

"How 'bout you stay down here. I'll get our bags." I suggest, leading him to sit on one of the steps.

"No." he protests sternly. "I'm not leaving you."

I sigh. "Carl, it's just up the stairs. I'll come straight down afterwards, okay? Besides, if something's wrong you'll need all of your energy."

He squeezes his eyes shut before nodding once and letting me help him sit on a stair.

With his eyes watching me, I run up the stairs as fast as I can. I go into my cell first and grab my brown leather bag from the floor. Most of my clothes and personal items are already in the bag, but there are still some laying on the top cot. I grab the unfolded clothes and shove them into my bag, setting it down once it's full. My gun holster is lying next to my knives and extra mag on the top matress. Taking it, I wrap it around my waist and secure it, my loaded pistol already resting inside. I quickly place all my knives and any extra items where they belong; pin knife in my boot, flip blade in my pocket, and extra mag in my back pocket. I sling my bag over my right shoulder and without a second glance, I exit my cell and run into Carl's.

It's a mess. Bed unmade, clothes strewn everywhere. Great, I think. Just makes things so much easier.

I step over the clothes scattered across the small floor and pick up what looks like a black bag on the bed. When I shake it out to open it up, I realize that it is not a bag, but instead a pair of black boxers. Could he at least have the decentcy to throw them somewhere not visible?

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