chapter fourteen // misery

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Rose's POV:

"Carl!" I scream as he falls to the snow covered ground. My voice comes out distorted due to the heavy sobs not letting up. My heart clenches in my chest and I begin to violently hiccup in between sobs.

I'm about to pull myself up when I hear it. An evil laugh from behind me, filled with nothing but pleasure and satisfaction for causing my never ending pain.

With my body still trembling, I turn away from the fallen boy and see two men standing just outside the gates, the swirling snow not seeming to bother them. One man is holding the barrel of a gun in the air, an eye patch covering one of his eyes, and a disgusting smirk plastered on his face. The other man is. . . .him.

The man staring at me with the exact same blue eyes as me. The man who used to beat me whenever he felt like it. The man who would shout those five words as he did so. That man is standing a few yards away from me with a menacing smile and a rough, spine chilling laugh. That man. My father, Jace Agulara.

On top of my shaking, sobbing, blurry vision, and hiccups my head begins to throb and I start feeling dizzy.

With the haunting smile still curling his lips, he whispers something. When my brain registers what he has said, it's almost as if the harshly blowing wind is carrying his words to me, making them sound strangely hollow. But terrifying all the well.

"Deus's volunt, diabolus puer meus." his scratchy voice whispers before walking away, fading into the snow blowing through the air.

That's it. No matter how tight I clutch my chest, it will no longer be enough to keep me from breaking. He has broken me with those words before, and he has done it once again.

With one final, sharp intake of breath, my eyes close and I collapse into the snow next to my once alive and vibrant unbiological sisters.

Right before I am plunged into darkness, I finally remember what those words meant. 'Deus's volunt, diabolus puer meus.'. Translation: 'God's will, the devil my child'.

The last thought running through my head:

Hopefully, I'm dead. 


I am woken up by an ear splitting scream echoing throughout the halls of the prison. So I'm not dead. Damn it.

Another scream sounds and this time I can hear the pain and agony in it. I try to open my eyes, but they feel like they weigh 100 pounds each. When I finally manage to get them open, everything is blurry and my head is pounding.

Suddenly, everything that happened yesterday replays in my head. From talking to Callie, finding my best friends will a bullet hole in their foreheads, seeing my horrifying father for the first time in two years, and. . . .

Once again, another tormenting scream sounds through the halls. But this time, its an all too familiar voice yelling something. He is yelling my name through his suffering cries. Carl.

I fling myself out of the cot and try to stand, but a tight pain goes through my chest and I find myself laying on cold cell floor. I've never been in this much pain before, mentally or physically. I feel like all of my problems that I've kept bottled up all these years is crushing my chest, suffocating me. And this new pain I'm feeling is adding to the pressure.

Carl's tortured cries screaming my name rings in my head and I can't tell whether they are real or just my fucked up mind doing this to me. Either way it doesn't matter, because he is in pain and I need to be there.

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