chapter eight // taken

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Carl's POV:

My dad helps (more like drags) Michonne back into the prison. Rose is walking with the basket in one hand and the other is wrapped around her torso, where her wound is.

"Are you okay?" I ask, my hands hovering over her.

"Fine," she answers, her voice tight with pain.

I want to push the matter farther, but knowing her she will just keep brushing me off. So I just nod and keep a close eye on her.

We walk back into the prison and my dad lays Michonne on a blanket in the 'living' area. Hershel and Beth are sitting at a table, with Judith cradled in Beth's arms. Axel and Oscar are sitting at another table. I don't pay attention to what the others are doing; I'm focusing on Rose.

She sets the basket on a table and rests her hands on the metal, leaning over a bit. Her eyes are focused on nothing in particular. Hesitantly, I walk over to her.

"Rose," I begin. "What's wrong?"

She shakes her head and looks down, mumbling something I can't hear.

"What?" I ask.

"It's my fault! I shouldn't have let her go. It's my fault." she yells and looks at me with tears in her eyes. It takes everything in me not to run up to her and wrap her in my arms.

"She'll be fine. She just went out on a run-" I try to comfort her even though I'm not really sure what's wrong.

"No, she's not fine! Do you not see this?" she gestures to the red basket. "This is the supplies that they were going to get. Why would Michonne bring back the supplies, but not them?"

I stare at her for a moment. I hadn't really though of that. I was too concentrated on Rose.

She lets out a frustrated sigh and walks over to my dad and Michonne, who is now awake.

"What happened? Where are they?" she yells. Michonne looks at her, confused. "Glenn, Maggie, and Dani! They went on a run for the stuff in that basket and now you're here and they're not! What. Happened?"

"They were taken," Michonne says quietly.

"What! By who?" Rose yells, a look of anger and sadness plastered on her face.

"By the same son o' bitch who shot me," answers Michonne, her voice laced with anger. She obviously has a hatred for that person. I look at Rose and it seems that she now does too.

Rose runs her hands through her long hair, causing the beanie she is wearing to fall to the ground. "Where did he take them?"

"Woodbury." says Michonne.

"Woodbury? That's the town where the people in cell block D are from." I state.

Michonne turns to me. "Looks like he rebuilt his little town. A bunch of new people who have no idea what The Governor is capable of."

I stand still for a moment, letting this new information sink in. Everyone else does the same, except for Rose. She is running her hands through her hair again and pacing.

"We're going to get them," she says suddenly.

"Who are we gettin'?" Daryl walks in with his eyebrows knitted together in confusion.

"Glenn, Maggie, and Dani were taken. By The Governor." my dad says, shifting his weight to one foot.

"That one-eyed shit face is back?" Daryl asks, clearly mad. We all nod. "A'ight, anybody who's coming, lets go." he says. He walks out of the cell block with Oscar, my dad, Michonne, and Rose following.

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