chapter twelve // panics and colds

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Previously on 'Love Hate':

"A blizzard's comin' so it's not safe to go to Woodbury."


Rose's POV:

I stand still for a moment, letting a wave of mixed emotions wash over me before pure anger finally sets in. "What?" I yell.

"We can't-" Daryl starts, but I cut him off.

"My friends were just kidnapped by The Governor and we all know that he is capable of doing horrible things to them! And you're saying that just because of a little snow, we can't go over there to save their lives?"

"If we go out there, we won't even make it half way to Woodbury before getting caught in the storm." he says, his tone and expression both sad.

"You've dealt with worse! We can't leave them there. Remember what happened last time?" my eyes start to tear up at the end of my sentence, but I hold them back.

"I know, but putting ourselves in danger won't benefit us or them. I promise as soon as the storm ends, we'll go look for them. I don't know how long that will be, but as soon as it's safe we'll go. I promise. I'm sorry." his says sadly, and with that he walks away.

After a moment, I become aware of Carl's arm draped over my shoulders. I shrug him off and limp as fast as I can to the stairs. Carl's feet pound against the metal catwalk as he follows me. Because he isn't wounded like me, he reaches me quickly and places him arms around my waist to keep me from moving.

"Rose, where are you going?" he asks.

I try pushing him off again, but he is too strong and my wound isn't helping either. "I need to find Lauren and Cammyla!" I yell at him, still struggling against his grip.

"No, you need to eat-"

"I'm not hungry! I just need to find them." I say, but he doesn't let go.

I stop moving and look at him with teary, pleading eyes. "Please," my voice cracks. "Let me go."

He looks at me for a moment with a sad expression before reluctantly unwrapping his arms from my waist. Once he lets go, I immediately start going down the stairs. With difficulty, I finally reach the bottom and head into the tunnel that connects all the cell blocks and other rooms.

I follow the signs that lead to the library and eventually reach it. As I am walking in, a few Woodbury parents clutching their children walk past me. After they're gone, I see Carol holding Judith with Lauren and Cammyla by her side. Once Cammyla sees me, her sad and scared looking face breaks into a smile.

"Rosie!" she yells in joy. She begins running towards me with her arms wide open. I do the same and once she reaches me I wrap my arms around her and pick her up, ignoring the burning and itchiness of my stitches. "I'm scared, Rosie." she says, burying her head into the crook of my neck.

"I know, I know." I comfort her. "But you're safe now, okay? You're with me."

She nods lightly and mumbles, "I'm hungry."

"Alright, we'll go get something to eat in a moment. I need to talk to Lauren." I tell her while walking towards Lauren. Cammyla nods again and wraps her arms around my neck.

"How're you doing?" I ask once I reach where Lauren is standing. 

She shrugs. "Could be better. How 'bout you? Are you okay?"

I ponder on that question for a moment before replying, "No. But that doesn't matter right now."

"Yea it does." she says. I just nod.

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