chapter seven // when the dead come knocking

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Rose's POV:

I seriously have no idea what's happening right now. I keep slipping in and out consciousness, only catching glances of different faces and cell walls. My whole body feels numb except for a weird tugging sensation in my torso and lower back.

Occasionally, I feel rough and calloused fingertips gently glide over my wrist and forearm. Somewhere in the back of my mind I know why their doing it, but I just can't think of it. If that makes any sense.

All this 'not knowing' is getting a little bit annoying. I try to force my eyes to stay open, and after a few attempts I succeed. I look around the cell and see a tall, scruffy figure standing next to my cot. Getting a better look at it, I realize that it is Daryl standing with his arms crossed and a sly smirk on his face.

"Thought I told you to be careful." he says, laughing a bit.

I chuckle too. "Sorry," I slowly sit up. "Who did this?" I ask, pointing to my patched up wound.

"I did." he answers shifting his feet a bit.

"Thanks," I say quietly.

Just then, Lauren walks in the cell with Cammyla.

"Rosie!" Cammyla runs up to me and hugs me with her small arms.

"Hey, baby! How are you?" I ask as she pulls away.

"Good! I love it here! I made friends!" she says excitedly.

I smile. "That's great! Are they nice?"

"Yes! They are fun too! Are you okay?" she asks, looking at my wound.

"I'm fine. Just a little hurt. How 'bout you go play with your friends and I'll see you later." I suggest, looking a bit at Lauren.

"Okay! Bye, Rosie!" she hugs me and then runs out of the cell along with Daryl. Lauren walks over and sits next to me on the cot.

"How ya holding up?" she asks.

"Honestly, I feel like crap." I say, chuckling a bit.

"And about, you know, that jackass."

"I still think he is a jackass. But, I gotta suck it up, right." I sigh.

"Yeah, but if he tries anything, you better punch him  then get me so I can punch him, too." she stands up and holds her arms up to help me up too.

I grab hold of her hands and she pulls me up. "Will do."

"Dinner is in a few minutes. Want me to bring you some food?"

I take a few steps with Lauren trailing behind me. "No, I'll be at the patio. I'm going to change first."

"Okay. Need help?" she asks. I shake my head 'no'. "Be. Careful!" she tells me before walking out of the cell.

I pick up my weapons sitting on a small metal table and slowly I make my way into my cell. My wound doesn't hurt that much anymore, unless I turn the wrong way. Once I'm in my cell, I place all of my weapons on my cot and change into grey sweatpants and sweatshirt.

I turn around as I am putting on my sweatshirt and I hear footsteps and a small gasp.

"Sorry! Sorry!" his voice says as I pull the sweatshirt down. He has his hands covering his eyes.

"You can uncover your eyes now," I say uncomfortably.

He lowers his hands. "I was. . .um. . .I came to. . .uhh. . ." a light blush creeps up on his cheeks. I raise my eyebrow. He sighs. "Are you okay?"

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