Chapter 20

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Days passed kind of slowly. Since the day Nick confessed to me everything I started looking at him differently. Everything was now explained, and that was why he was so harsh sometimes to me...and that was why he was talking sometimes to himself and said some bizarre things. I loved him in the past no matter what he did to me, but now I started developing some feelings for Rafael. As for Rafael he told me everything from the start, like how he went to Nick's house and how he went to his boss to find out some intonations about him.

Deep inside I knew that Rafael was worrying about me but I'm glad the he unfolded all those things.

"So how do you feel today?" I heard Rafael and peeled myself from my bed slightly looking at him.

His smile made my day and I fell for him more and more everyday. Why hadn't I notice it earlier? I mean he always behaved to me the best.. it's just.. it's just that I was too blind to see all of these things. Small things like the way he looks at me or the way he cares so much about me... although I doubt that he felt anything about me anymore. Not after the day that I kissed him and then tried to tell him that it was by mistake. That was the worst day for him I think...

"Izzy?" he asked me again sitting beside me. "Where are you travelling again?"

And here I was, thinking if it would be a good Idea to ask him what I craved. And so I did.

"Rafael.. do you still like me?" and his reaction was as I had expected, shocked. Slowly closing his eyes momentarily he nodded.

"Yes I do."

That was enough for me to throw my hands around his neck and kiss him. Right away Rafi responded and instantly I felt like everything around us had disappeared. The moment was ours.

"I want you so much" Rafael said through kisses as our heavy breaths filled the rooms.

"I'm sorry I was too blind to notice you." I answered and kissed him again this time with more passion.

"You know that I would be waiting for you forever until the end of my life." Rafi said looking deep in my eyes. Damn, those brownish eyes had me trapped in.

"Do you still want me?" I asked him.

"Of course... I never stopped wanting you." He caressed my cheek and continued kissing me. I knew that Rafael was the one for me, even if I didn't want to admit it. it was destined from the start I guess...

"Izzy.." Rafi moaned as I softly tugged his hair, I knew that he liked it. "I can feel it burning me from the inside." He said with a voice full of lust and I knew where that would lead us, and I think I was ready for it. All that days I had prepared my anxious self about all this.

I stopped kissing him and looked him in his beautiful brown eyes "Rafi.." I smiled, "I.. I want you to..."

"Say it Izzy, there is nothing to be afraid of." He gently caressed my hands.

"I want us to move on..." I looked down, yet I felt his gaze on me.

"You mean you want us to have-"

"Yes." I disrupted Rafael whilst he smiled at me.

Then he slowly pushed me to my back making sure I was comfortable. After that he again kissed me one more time whispering. "everything ends right now.. . no one will ever disturb you. Everything ends here, with you in my arms, where you belong."

I smiled knowing that he would make me happy. No matter how long I had been avoiding the feelings I had for him they finally I listened to them speaking to me. I was in good hands.


I felt something above my stomach. A hand, a tattooed hand. Instantly I recalled what had just happened yesterday and I smiled to myself. No, I hadn't regretted it, on the contrary I thought that it was the best thing that had ever happened to me.

Something moved and it was Rafael's hand. He pulled me towards his body snuggling closer to me and listening to his light snore was kind of funny. I turned around facing him and kind of shook him calling his name and he slowly woke up.

"Wh-what happened?" Rafi said with his sleepy voice trying to wake up. "Oh never mind." He smiled widely and embraced me once again.

"You're my little girl, and I will never let you go." I smiled to his words and kissed his cheek.

"Come on, let's get up, and go for work."

"Izzyyy come on.. I'm bored." Rafael complained.

"I know but it's our only way to make money. So get up, I'll make us breakfast." And with that I got up and went to the kitchen to make us breakfast. In the middle of trying to figure out what to make I noticed the marks on my hand and my mind traveled searching for Nick...It was painful to me to remember all those things but eventually life would get better right?

Arms wrapped around my waist. "Are you thinking about him?"

Wow, Rafi knew me too well. "Yeah.. just bad memories you know.."

"Don't you worry, everything will be alright as long as you are with me." Rafi reassured me and I felt safe.

So we ate, dressed and went to our shop to encounter something weird. On the showcase of our shop was glued a note which read:

'Be careful of who you choose to love ' I read loudly.. my whole body started to shake and I felt like passing out.

"Rafi.. it's from Nick.. it's his handwriting, I would recognize it everywhere.."

Slowly Rafael approached me and hugged me, holding me securely in his arms. "Don't you worry. Nothing will happen to you. I told you that as long as I am by your side I will protect you." He finished his sentence with a kiss on top of my head.

Deep inside I wished that Nick was just writing those things to scare us.. I hoped he wouldn't hurt anyone, especially Rafael. He was the only thing that I had.

Falling in love with a SchizophrenicOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora